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  1. violet


    Hi all. I just got my letter (in Montreal). Just to add to the stats: I got a SSHRC for 4 years with a score of 19.3. I applied independently and my score in the first round was 24. I'm curious what the cut-off score for CGS was (?)
  2. violet


    I just found out that my application was successful from the department secretary at my future school, but she said she doesn' t have details (number of years, CGS or SSHRC... is that possible at all?). I applied independently - I was out of school for two years - and it seems that the university that I mentioned in my application was notified of my results. I'm out the door now, but I'll write in the stats thread later today. I'll be doing my PhD at Concordia University in Montreal (starting next Fall).
  3. violet


    Well, I have been nothing but polite in the three instances that I called sshrc in the past month or so, and they didn't seem to mind my asking about the results. I didn't call the school of graduate studies yet. That being said, delayed gratification in academia for me has been more of the work-two-months-on-a-paper-feeling-at-times-miserable-and-then-high-at-the-end kind. Not of the kind where you have to decline a preferred admission offer and decide over the next weekend about relocating the week after because of sshrc's one month delay in providing the results. On the practical reasons for calling sshrc (i.e.: "still, what difference does it make if you call?"): perhaps it doesn't help more than it helps pressing an elevator's button compulsively when you're in a hurry, but it's a coping strategy. Besides, it seems to me that there's only administrative work to be done to post the results (the decisions are obviously made by now), so, my hypothesis is that receiving many calls might determine them to move their asses. Or, if not, they get the message: "YOU'RE FUCKING LATE!!!" (from our polite, educated selves over the phone).
  4. violet


    I just called sshrch :evil: They said the results will be sent next week and they will be made available through a secure website to the universities either today or tomorrow. Nothing new. But I insisted: "Most likely today?". "No, most likely tomorrow". So, we're not there yet...
  5. violet


    I can't believe I'm awake at this hour! It must be the big money at stake )
  6. violet


    Thanks dramanda!
  7. violet


    I meant "And you finding out from another school is, indeed, strong evidence [/
  8. violet


    Thanks, jasper.milvain, this makes sense. And you finding out from another school totally is, indeed, strong evidence
  9. violet


    Yes, that's what I thought, too, but I started to doubt it when the SSHRC person I talked to on the phone said that the only way to know, if I applied independently, is by letter... Maybe he had in mind something someone here just mentioned about being at the SGSs' full discretion whether to release the results or not... I already asked the graduate secretary from my future department - I'm good friends with her - and she seems to think that no, they won't have my results, since I didn't apply through the department. Anyway, I think I have to ask people more directly involved in this, from the SGS at my university. And that's what I'm gonna do on Monday...
  10. violet


    Does anyone know how THE LIST looks like? I mean the list that universities get access to. Is it a list of all SSHRC winners, or just a list of their winners? I'm asking because I applied independently and although my choice of university was clear from the SSHRC application (I'm already doing research at that university, without being registered there. Freelancing, kindda...), I'm not sure if I could start inquiring there once I find the results are out (from this forum obviously!). I called SSHRC about a week ago to ask if results would be made available to my future university, and they said I should wait for the letter if I applied independently. No other details or explanations. So perhaps Masters SSHRC winners would know anything about that? Or anybody...do you know what's on that list, or database, whatever?
  11. violet


  12. violet


    I've been following this thread, but haven't posted (I applied independently - doctoral level - and I had a score of 24 in the first round). I'm posting now because I just called SSHRC and they told me that letters will be sent at the end of April. So still a long wait...
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