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Everything posted by fishasaurus

  1. fishasaurus

    Seattle, WA

    Seconding Usmivka. I've lived in Seattle my entire life, and I avoid the CD because 1) there's no reason to go there because there is nothing there 2) there's too much gang activity for me to feel safe. On top of that, even if the 49 goes down there, that bus is ALWAYS late. ALWAYS. I used to rely on that route to get to work, and I got written up so many times because of how late it is. Even when I got to the stop 30 minutes early, the 49 (supposed to come every 15 minutes) would be 45 minutes late. Sure, it's not always that bad, but I would not depend on it.
  2. Thanks guys! The missing letter was from my summer research advisor, but my other two letters were from my current research advisor, and a professor who has taught two of my classes and reviewed my NSF essays. Knowing that my summer advisor has a history of cutting it close and not responding to emails, I put my other two professors above him. I got the official email today with details about arranging travel to the recruiting event in early March, so I guess they really meant it. I'm still a little surprised, but very excited!
  3. When I started applying for grad schools, I knew that one of my professors was going to have issues submitting his letter on time (he has a history of this sort of thing). My top choice school had a deadline of December 23rd, and all of my emails to him went unanswered. This school came back from break today, and I woke up to a voicemail from them. I figured that they would be asking me about the missing letter, but the message turned out to be an offer of admission. I'm a little shocked--not only did I get into my top school on the very first day they started looking through applications, but they accepted me with an incomplete application? This seems a little unusual to me, and I'm paranoid that they made a mistake. I know I had a strong application, but I don't know if it's so strong that they don't need all three letters. A friend of mine (another top student) applied and hasn't heard from them, and he has a complete application. Is getting in with an incomplete application even a thing? And should I keep bugging my professor about submitting his letter? Does that even matter now?
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