Hello, I am applying for a PhD in mechanical engineering.
-My undergraduate GPA of my 5-year diploma of mechanical engineering is 8.5/10 and this corresponds to the top 5% of my class
-I have done a summer internship close to my field
-I have been involved in projects of a lab of my field for about 2 years
-I have submitted a paper to an international conference of my field with my name being the first (I hope it gets admitted)
-I have participated in engineering competitions of my university receiving awards
-I am going to have a really good letter of recommendation from my advisor, well-known in the field with a high number of international publications. The other two from two top us university graduates that now teach at my university.
-My GRE scores unfortunately were not that good. 162 (87% from what I saw) on the quantitative section and 153 on the verbal section. I am waiting for the analytical writing section, expecting more than 4.
Given the fact that I would like to apply among others to some top 10 us universities (MIT, Stanford, Cornell) what do you think of my profile? Would my GRE scores be a significant drawback? Should I retake them?I wont be on time for the December deadlines. Is the rest of my application adequate for such schools?