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Everything posted by erg

  1. Thanks, fullofpink. This is so confusing. So, I don't need some sort of hook at the beginning? What about making it a chronological narrative? I haven't been able to find one sample of an art history sop to use as a guide. I returned to finish a BA after years away so that I could later pursue something in film, because it was something that I had wanted to do since I was a child. However, for practical reasons, I ended up in art history and found that I liked it. So, that is why I ask if I should even mention film. I would've probably studied something else has I not returned for film.
  2. Hey. I see a lot of advice everywhere for a PhD, but not much for a terminal masters. I'm interested in a masters so that I can get a job at a museum or pickier gallery. I'm applying to a few programs that either focus entirely on museums or split it with art history, but the majority are devoted solely to art history. My problem with my essay has to do with the first half. Following Donald Asher's advice, I started it with an anecdote about how I was exposed to arts and crafts at an early age through my family (but, maybe that's too passive since I wasn't the one making the art?). Then, I described how I became more interested in art on an intellectual level once I started taking classes. That should be common sense, I guess, but I do also mention how the art history BA was originally a stepping-stone to a film archival degree. I followed that with how my internship at a gallery was the deciding factor in my choosing a career in an art insitution, rather than one dedicated to something else. I feel like the inclusion of the part about returning to school to focus on film is important, because then I couldn't even explain why I got into art history to begin with. But, I wonder if it draws attention away. Also, while I really do love research and am involved in a more research-intensive internship now, the gallery gig really inspired me to change my grad plans. But, I've been reading so much advice that seems to focus on research-based internships that I'm confused as to which I should acknowledge. And, I'd love to at least mention the new one (because it will culminate in a nice little project), but wouldn't that be too much? Thanks!
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