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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    OISE Social Justice Education PhD

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  1. anyone on the waitlist got any news?
  2. I was told the ROSI and SGS won't change until you actually register. But it's not a big deal. As long as you got an official letter you are fine.
  3. Perhaps I am going to be lynched for this reply, but for the past few days every time I sign into this site, this post is staring me in the face and really bothers me. So I finally decided to say what no one in Canada dares say because we are too politically correct. Dear "Babara Keller", we all waited for the replies, we all know it is a dreaded game and I sympathize with your pain wholeheartedly. However, I do think as a graduate student you do need a better command of the English language, the language you are going to do your grad studies in, which typically requires much writing. This is so you don't use phrases like "the POI didn't reply me" or "I have to be patience". English is my 2nd language too. I only started learning when I started university, so I do understand the pain of learning a new language. I waited and waited for someone to point to these obvious grammatical errors, but as always everyone is just tries to pretend like we don't misuse the language. As graduate students, our primary occupation is to research and to WRITE, to pay attention to detail, weather in our research or in the way we present that research (usually in the form of writing). So perhaps, if I may suggest, you should brush up on your language skills or at lest pay attention to how others write and that would help you correct your mistakes. It is a shame for an obviously talented grad student not to be able to write the simplest of sentences. I too still struggle with my writing and also speaking at times, and I do wish someone would correct me once in a while. What I am trying to say is, I am not trying to put you down or pretend like I have no flaws, but just to be a gentle reminder that a second language is usually a lifelong quest always in need of brushing up. Good luck!
  4. Anyone know anything about the new deal CUPE3902 is voting on other than what the papers are publishing?
  5. Thank you! I hope everything works out.
  6. I got the official letter yesterday. They said the first round of letters went out on Friday.
  7. Anyone received their letter yet? I was told by the RO's yesterday that the first batch went out on Friday. Also, anyone know if U of T allows one to start the PhD program if you haven't defended your MA yet by September? I hate to have to deffer my admission or worse, loose it and have to apply again next year.
  8. How is everyone here? did anyone accept their admission offers from ComCult or SPT yet? I finally decided to accept SPT instead of COmCult. I just feel it suites my interests more than ComCult, but wondering what the next steps are? At the same time I am waiting for the official offer from SJE at OISE. Assome of you know I have been debating and researching the 3 programs, and I ended up talking to some profs. They all seem to agree on one point: ComCult i specially good if you don't want an academic position after, but OISE is the place to be if you want one. They mostly agreed that interdisciplinary programs, as valuable as they are, are considered in the academia as mediocre programs! They used that word: mediocre! Just thought I'd share my research if anyone is still in the decision making phase. Good luck!
  9. Anyone know what the funding package at OISE is like?
  10. Sounds right to me. I was told for the PhD spots, 80-100 applicants apply for 5-6 spots. So the MA numbers look kinda along the same lines.
  11. I checked ROSI a couple of weeks ago too and it says I am registered and funded but "financially cancelled" as well. March 24th eh? I was hoping it would be this week.
  12. Thank you so much for writing to me. For some reason The GSA healthcare offends me. It looks like it's mocking the students with how little they pay. At York for example, we get $2000 to cover RMTs Chrippractic, physio, podiatry, therapy and many more, all of our drug costs are covered, $300 every other year for glasses and so much more and we don't have to pay the annual fees demanded by the GSA. Here's a link to CUPE 3903's benefits: http://3903.cupe.ca/benefits-plan/ It is baffling, considering York's TA/GA's are about 3700 compared to U of Ts 6000!! What went wrong in previous bargaining rounds that got U of T suck with such terrible and inadequate benefits plan? I mean $1,555.70 for a family of 3 or more?? We actually have to pay?? "up to $500 per policy year for psychology"??? That's like 2 visits. Even with the $800 spending account it is still a cruel joke. A dental filling or a root canal can easily cost upward of $1000!!! Also, finding the information on both CUPE's and the GSA website are very difficult as everything is buried. I think they could do a better job making the information more accessible. The CUPE website you kindly sent me, makes the most vital information i.e. what is covered so hidden and you have to spend so much time just finding the details, and even then it doesn't give you a breakdown of how much and what are covered, they are just examples. As I said, I keep waiting for someone to tell me I am reading this info wrong. But for some reason I feel like that benefits plan is a slap in the face and the students certainly deserve better. If York could get it, why should U of T put up with this? Even with the new collective agreement I highly doubt the changes to the benefits plan would be that drastic. Is there a link where we can see CUPE 3902's demands? Again, thank you for taking the time and writing to me. I am frustrated with U of T and can't understand for the life of me why they can't treat their most vital staff fairly!
  13. Anyone receive their official letters from OISE yet? They said letters would be sent out Mid March. Well, it is mid March
  14. I just replied to your message. I didn't talk to Abigail Bakan. Just call the office, and be prepared to keep calling until they pick up. They are very nice and understanding but quit busy it seems.
  15. The day after I contacted the program office and they gave me the good news, the POI emailed me and congratulated me which was a great assurance. They sure have an odd way of doing things. Anyone know what health/dental benefits are covered under U of T/OISE?
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