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Everything posted by Zackro

  1. I need an advise, I've CS background since I got my MS and BS in it, and I started my Ph. D. in ECE.. this is the end of my 1st semester and I still feel lost. After I find an adviser, he told me that he's busy with 15 other ph. d. students and can't advise me step by step so I've to work by my own like without an adviser. This would be fine if I'm amalgamated with the topic but I'm new to ECE and I don't know if I'm able to handle it alone. I'm thinking of finding another adviser in CS as a second adviser and work with him partially and see where this will take me, or transfer to CS and work with my old adviser. I wasn't planning on leaving CS in the first place, yet my MS adviser wasn't independent in his personality even he didn't attend my thesis defense, scared of the committee I assume. Other professors won't accept taking other faculty student from them especially if you working on the same topic. my choices are limited and I've to decide this week,, please advise..
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