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Everything posted by wishin&hopin
Carcaruso and ajo2: I just recieved my grant authorization forms and visa letter yesterday (they came via UPS from Italy). If you haven't already gotten your package, it should be there soon!
ajo2: I got in touch with the Italian Comission this week and they said that they would be mailing our official paperwork/docs to us in mid July; it seems that they only needed the bank routing info and the grantee authorization form (at least at this point) from us to confirm that we are indeed accepting the Fulbright. I'll be right down the road from you, in Verona (although my contact person is a prof. at the universita degli studi di padova). Would love to know about your project...I'll be there to finish up my research/dissertation on 13th/14th c. mendicant (Francican and Dominican) architecture in Verona. Just out of curiousity, have you started looking for housing yet? I have always rented the same apartment when I've been in Verona, but unfortunately just found out that the owner will be using it for his office...so I'm kind of at ground 0. I wish I knew approx. how much they'd be giving us...it would make the apartment search and budgeting a little easier! Can't complain, though...am v. excited to be going back!
Is anyone else still waiting on their grant authorization forms? I submitted the medical information to IIE and (per their request)my bank routing information to the Italian Commission, but I have yet to formally sign anything accepting the grant, and have also not recieved any kind of "packet" outline the terms of the grant (including the starting date, how much they will pay us, etc.). Am wondering if I've fallen through the cracks, or if there are others in my situation...
Just out of curiosity...research grantees, how long did it take for you to get your grant authorization forms after you submitted your medical forms? Feel like I've been waiting FOREVER to get the details!!! Thanks!
Rachel Holskin is the Fulbright program director for European countries (except for Germany, I think). Thus, she's the one to contact with an specific questions...if she can't answer them herself, she can probably direct you to who can. I've talked to her on the phone a couple of times and found her to be very pleasant and helpful, just as a fyi.
Just found out that I'll be going to Italy on a Research grant!! Thanks to all of you bloggers who kept me company during this incredibly loooooong wait--it has been quite a journey! For all you alternates, I'll continue to cross my fingers that you get moved to principle status. Good luck to everyone!!! If anyone else will be going to Italy, will you send me a message...would love to "meet" some others!
I don't know much about the ETA, but here's a website that might help you out: http://us.fulbrightonline.org/thinking_ ... ml#western
That sounds like good news to me! I think its great that they are looking for other ways to fund you, even if its not via your original research grant. I will def. keep my fingers crossed for you...good luck and keep us posted!
Interesting...Do you know if the people who got their letters for Hungary 2 weeks ago received rejection letters, principal letters, alternate letters, or a mix of all of the above? Did Rachel tell you when the next "batch" for Hungary would be sent out?
Congratulations!!! Just out of curiosity, how long did you have to wait between being notified that you were an alternate and being moved to principal status?
I completely understand about the whole mailman-stalking thing... Am somewhat confused...someone else on this forum got their letter for a research grant for Italy on monday (unfortunately it was a no); since I still didn't recieve any mail today, I called the program coordinator to see if my letter had been sent (I must admit that all the stories of lost mail on this forum have me a little worried!). The secretary said that our letters had been sent yesterday (the 30th). I thought all letters--rejection, acceptance, alternate--were sent out at the same time. ???? Has anyone else's country sent letters at different times? I want to hope that this is a good sign, but after months and months of waiting, this is getting painful! Is anyone else still waiting on Italy?
I'm waiting to hear about a Research grant to Italy...
Somehipcat, I'm very sorry to hear that you got bad news with regard to Italy. I still haven't heard anything...I keep checking the mail, but no news. Don't give up--there's always next year; for so many people on this forum, this is round two (or three) and they've had great success. I know it sucks to think about going through this process again, but I'm sure if you ask any of those folks, they'll tell you it was worth it! Good luck with your future plans! You have a great project, don't give it up!
nemolover: TAKE THE JOB!!! To Euro alternates: I e-mailed the European Program Manager (Rachel Holskin), and she will indeed give you your position on the alternate waitlist. It took her a few days to respond, but understandably so, as she is probably extremely busy right now. Don't give up hope just yet! Nemolover, congratulations! If I were you, I would call your program manager and ask very nicely if there is any way they can tell you your position on the alternate list. Explain your situation, tell them the Fulbright is your #1 choice, but that you've been given a second chance with another very worthy opportunity and that you feel knowing this information will help you make the best, well-informed decision you can. If you are at the bottom half of the list, take the job, move on, and re-apply next year (you'll probably get the spot); if you are one of the tops on the alternate list, then ask them if they will give you an estimate of how many of the alternates in the past have been moved to principal status. Think of them as an "ally" here in your decision making; they won't be able to give you any "advice" on what to do, but if you are kind and courteous, perhaps you can get some "statistics" from previous years that can help you make your decision. Regardless, I'm thrilled for you that you were re-offered the job...that is GREAT news, and you should be very proud. It looks like no matter what happens you will have a wonderful year abroad!!! Best wishes!
I know, last year only 97 people applied to Italy, this year it was 150-something. Crazy. I'm in Texas. Sigh. Probably won't get here until Saturday at the soonest. And the worst part is, I'm leaving the country tomorrow for a week, so I suppose I'm going to have to get the neighbor to check the mail for me (although what a horrible position to put someone in if you get bad news...maybe I should just wait it out???) Uggh, the agony... Thanks for the invitation to Albania; I always love having people visit me in Italy. Part of the experience of travelling abroad is meeting new people and seeing new things. Am soooooooo hoping this works out...
FYI...Rachel says letters for Italy and Albania are going out TODAY!!! (Going to be a loooooooong week/weekend) Good luck everyone!!!!
Anyone have an update on when the Italy (research) letters will be sent out?
The only thing I would add here is that grants beget grants...some of the more prestigious foundations often seem hesitant to award a student who hasn't been funded before a major grant (one good exception, however, is the Fulbright, which seems equally fund both "veterans" and "novices" to research projects). This of course can be tricky, but I think a great starting place to look for smaller fellowships and funding is your university; look and see what kinds of grants, projects, or awards you might be eligable to apply for...you'd probably be surprised to see how much is out there, and having a couple of these on your CV will go a long way when it comes to the "bigger" grants like SSRC, ACLS, etc. As an undergraduate/new grad, another great way to get some good research experience is to volunteer as a research assistant for a prof in your field (some will actually pay you for your time). They appreciate the help, you get to contribute to a current project, and this looks great on your CV---win-win situation. And Rugby is 100% right...you'll get better at writing proposals as you go on (I look back at some of mine--even those that got me something--and am horrified by how awful they seem now!!). Nemolover, you're an alternate, right? So don't sign off on the Fulbright yet, you never know. And if you don't get it this time around, there is always next year--there are a couple of people on this board who have gotten their grants the 2nd time around and I have a couple of friends who have done the same. I know its not ideal and the thought of going through this process again probably makes you want to run screaming, but think of it this way--at least you aren't like some of us, in your last phase of dissertation research and can't apply again if we get the bad news. Blah. I wish you all the best, and will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!
My condolences as well...that is a terrible way to find out. I'm so sorry.
Somehipcat, Your project sounds VERY interesting...I've always been intrigued with how American films portray contemporary Italian society (just for fun, not as an academic interest), so your project sounds like great fun to me! One of my favorite places to start any research of medieval buildings is with 19th c./early 20th c. travel guides, usually by foreigners (especially Americans or the British)--they often give great descriptions of a building pre-restoration, providing valuable primary evidence of a monument's physical character (since medieval accounts so seldom survive) AND they are usually juicy and entertaining reads! They are a useful and interesting point of departure for archival work, and I can absolutely understand your fascination with how American writers view Italy. Please keep me posted on your status. I have some other, "non-Fulbright" work to do in Rome for a forthcoming publication, so I'll be there at some point in the next 6 months or so--depending on how things work out (fingers crossed!!!), perhaps we can meet for a cappucino! One more question: are you a grad student or an undergrad/new graduate? Just curious...I myself am a Ph.D. graduate student and I applied to finish my dissertation. Hopefully we'll hear soon....oh the agony of "the wait!" In bocca al lupo anche a te!!
Congratulations to all the successful applicants!! I'm truly excited for you and I wish you all the best of luck abroad next year. To the alternates: I can only imagine how horrible the "purgatory" must be, but keep the faith. Several months ago a friend, who knows a Fulbright person who has nothing to do with the decision making, but deals with the financial aspect of Fulbright, told me that Fulbright is going to try and award as many grants as possible this year because the economic situation might limit their funding for next year. Don't know if this is still the case (or ever was, as one can never be too sure with secondhand information), but my point is that you never know what kind of funding will become available at the last minute. (And who knows what all the bail-outs have done for Fulbright funding??) Yes, the waiting is truly horrible, BUT could very well be worth it. So keep your chin up, and try to stay positive! To those who have recieved bad news: I'm so sorry, I know you must be very disappointed. You probably don't want to hear this, but I have to say it anyway: if you can, try again next year---a good percentage of the people I know who have gotten Fulbrights did so in their second year of applying. If you made it this far, you have a very worthy application, so don't give up! I am seriously glad that this forum is out there, but not entirely sure if it makes me feel more or less anxious....Hmm... Am also wondering if there are any others out there who applied for Research grants to Italy--would love to know what city you applied to work in and what your project entails. (I applied to work on thirteenth and fourteenth century religious architecture in Verona.) Good luck to ALL!
FYI for the Italy folks: called Rachel Holskin today and she said that notifcation letters for Italy would probably be sent out this week... Fingers crossed!
Has anyone recieved notification for Italy yet???