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Posts posted by barça

  1. Housing question: When I visited, the first year grad students told me it's normal for entering students in the program to live in the Butler apartments (one lives in Lawrence, although he himself admitted he lucked out). Only one of the first years lives in the graduate college, and that was because he actually wanted to. This sort of seems to contradict what was said earlier in the thread...the impression I got from the forum was that it's really hard NOT to live in the graduate college your first year. Could anyone clarify this? I'd really like to avoid being stuck in a dorm-style living situation (2 BR apt would be ideal, actually). For the record, I'd be entering as a PhD student (although I'm not sure that matters).

  2. Puede ser, no digo que no.  Sé que mi profesora tiene un amigo en el departamento pero quizás no sabe. ¿Van a hacer la entrevista en persona o por el skype?  Yo, en persona, que creo que es lo mejor si se puede hacer el viaje.  

    También voy a entrevistar en persona. Estoy coordinando la visita con otra que tengo en el NY area. Me encanta New York, así que van a ser unos días muy divertidos.

  3. When this happens I put aside my work (not being productive in these circumstances anyways), go exercise until I'm absolutely exhausted, and then get a good night's sleep. The next day my writing is SO much better. Everyone has their own little rituals for these things, although I firmly believe that one of the best things to do when you're frustrated mentally is some sort of physical activity. Go run, swim, bike, walk your dog, whatever. Just get out of the library/lab for a short time and let your brain digest everything you're doing.

  4. Hola a todos, solicite varios programas de PhD en el east coast. Tambien me parece bastante temprano para recibir noticias. Princeton mando invitaciones a su "recruitment weekend" hace unos dias, pero me parece que son muy adelantados en el proceso en comparacion con otras universidades.

  5. Thanks for the replies, it looks like the problem pretty much solved itself. In case anyone runs into a similar problem in the future...I figured out that generally scores won't be matched to an application until after the deadline, regardless of how early the app is submitted. For some reason I was under the impression that they're matched at submission. I'm still waiting on one app to be updated, but it's for a much larger graduate school so I'm assuming it's just a matter of time. Cheers!

  6. Hey everyone,

    So I dug around the forum a little bit looking for an answer to this but nothing's really turned up. Here's the issue: I had score reports sent to programs on the day I took the exam, back in July. I confirmed on the GRE website that they had sent all the scores when I began my apps in October. A few days ago I sumbitted my first two apps and both online application systems say that my scores are missing. Should I contact the program or does it take a while before the info in the system is updated?


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