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  1. Thanks for all the replies. I finaly accpeted the offer from Arizona.
  2. It's mean regitration start on July. Actually u have to wait till they post new subject test dates for 2013/2014(2013 September/2013 November/2014 April). I did subject test last April and it's the last available test date for 2012/2013 year.
  3. send ur e-mail address plz
  4. ok I will send u what I got three GRE past papers and scanned copiy of a book.
  5. Thanks aberrant for your answer, but I also finally got a good news. Most probably I will be able to go to a school I applied this semester. I think going back to my home country won't help me that much (there arte almost no research options available). Anyway thank you all for the advice.
  6. Hi all, Again I need little advice. I got my GRE subject test result last Sunday (880/93%). This is bit lower than I expected. Anyway now I have to face a new dilemma. As most of u suggested, I tried to accumulate more research experience lately. So I talked to a professor from the university in which my wife is studying and able to obtained a volunteer research position. Professor also want me to have university ID, lab keys and safety training before starting the volunteering, but university denied my request to an ID stating that lab work cannot be consider as volunteering(I m a F-2). I even presented an e-mail I received from the state department stating that any lab works without payment is fine. But university won’t give me a chance. So I ended up having only exam results to make my application competitive. So can you guys give me any suggestions to improve my chances at universities mentioned in my first post? (UGPA 3.2, TOEFL 104, GRE subject 880/93%, GRE general Q161/ V157).taking any of the exam may be???
  7. Hi I took GRE chemistry subject test to compensate the lower GPA this April (UGPA: 3.2 after converting in to American grading system: used WES). My GRE chemistry subject score is 880 (93%). which is lower than I expected but hope not too low (being an international student). I am planning to apply for CU-Davis, Irvine, Berkeley, Arizona, and Stanford (not sure). I am wondering whether this score is ok!
  8. Hi I am interested in opinions of people who visited/ have knowledge about chemistry departments of University of California -Davis, University of California - Irvine, University of Arizona, and UCLA. I am especially interested about facilities available and PIs in the area of nano scale biosensor development (in analytical /biological chemistry divisions) so can you give me a small assessment based on you knowledge .what are the cons pros each department have?
  9. Nop , they are not asking return ticket at port of entry (from my experience). Your intention of return to your country will be checked at visa interview.
  10. I agree that there are very small numbers of fellowships available to international students, but this is not going to explain the lower number of international students at US universities in comparison to UK. So as far as financial aids are concern US universities give more assisianceshipes and recruit more international student than UK universities.
  11. Hi, I am from a former British colony and currently living in US, so I think I also have little bit of understanding about this phenomenon. I think most of u overlooked some other important factors. 1. Education system. Most of the former British colonies(Most of Africa , Indian subcontinent , Southeast Asia ) have British style of Education system which is far different than American education system(Especially true for Professional Education ).e.g American dont have MBBS instead they have BS+MD system. So a student who sit for O/L(age 16 ) +A/L (age 18/19) may choose UK over US due to time factor and unfamiliarity of system. This is true for most of the professional fields except Engineering and few others and on top of this most of the time American universities dont even directly recognizes most of these British style of qualifications. 2. Familiarity and reputation of Universities If you look carefully,you will find that most of the student at UK universities are from British Commonwealth nations and Europe and they are much familiar with the names of UK universities in compare to US unis . so with reason 1 described above , they tend to choose UK unis over US.In contrast student from countries like Japan South Korea and China who are more familiar with US system prefer US over UK.ref:http://www.iie.org/en/Services/Project-Atlas/United-States/International-Students-In-US and http://www.ukcisa.org.uk/about/statistics_he.php 3. student population and number of universities to choose. Except Cambridge , Oxford ,Edinburgh , London,Manchester and few others, actual student population of UK unis are far smaller than big stat or private universities in US and number of universities in US are far greater(UK~100uni against US ~4000unis ). so this may explain the reason for low percentage of international students in most of the US universities. In reality US received more international students than UK(US ~700000 UK ~400000). 4 UK universities have more visibility in overseas Most of the UK unis have far greater oversea presence through overseas campuses and distance, flexible or distributed learning centers . until recently big US university not that much interested about this options. This may be due to fact that US universities have much bigger domestic market and big ones are well funded in comparison to UK universities( you can just look at Endowment and research funding of US and UK universities to realize this: e.g even the big UK universits like Edinburgh , London,Manchester have very small endowments which are even far smaller than in comparison to a big state university in US ). So these UK universities try to recruit more international students to get money. " Graduate Schools cost. A LOT. And international students almost never get any funding so they have to put all the money in all by themselves. So, for me, it's all about money" I think this statement is wrong . In reality US provide more assistantship and fellowship to graduate students (Basically US unis have more funding than UK ). but due to relative higher number of domestic students and higher number of universities resulting the low international student percentage.
  12. yap there were questions from quantum mechanics (several of them) and metal coordination chemistry. I struggled with inorganic chemistry part. especially the properties of main block elements. There were questions that asked about structure of most common allotrope of Boron , stability order of hydride of groups 15 elements like that and there were repeating of same questions from past papers. e.g it has questions about raoult law and IR active Vibration mode of CO2
  13. Hi cornerstone, I have scanned copies for three past papers, but only have hard copies of the books mentioned above. I am really sorry if I disappointed you.
  14. Hi hydrocrackerman Thank u very much for your offer. I already got that book and also the one I requested in this post (Chemistry Test (Practicing to Take the GRE) by ETS). anyway I would like to give scanned copies of what I got , so plz msg me if u need those.
  15. Hi, I am planning to take GRE chemistry subject test on this April. I have 2006, 2000, and 96 papers but like to have more preparation materials. Specially the Chemistry Test (Practicing to Take the GRE) by ETS would be really helpful. Even though book is out of print , some ppl still have this one. I don't have enough money to buy a one and local library also do not have any copies. So I will be grateful if some one can send me a scan copy of it.Thanks
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