Hahaha of course! My original project was going to be on Communist development and how the party changed Bengal province and then I realized I probably won't get it since it directly relates to Indian National Security and Stability (there is a large Maoist insurgency in India now).
I applied last minute to the two schools and both came back begging me to come to their institution! Hahaha its rare to find a Communist in America (member of CPUSA) and even rarer to find one who still enjoys reading the little red book in an apartment decorated with propaganda posters haha.
If I dont get the Fulbright, I will just take the CGS and go study in China!
I just got accepted to both Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Sun Yat-sen University under the CGS program to study Marxist Philosophy...super excited! Where in China are you going to be?
See...with Nuclear Weapons, you do not have to be accurate or successful in terms of their launch trajectory, if its a few miles off, no worries! haha
I think that the DPRK, while it flexes, doesn't need to use a missile. Thats what a cargo container is for. The nuclear conflict of our age will be asymmetric in style, not conventional.
I, along with some of my military analyst friends, agree that the DPRK has the technology to place warheads onto MRBM's and Scuds so to transfer that to ICBM's should not be that difficult, especially since they were in contact with the A. Q. Khan network out of Pakistan which also has the knowledge of warhead placement.
well any regime change poses challenges for the new leadership. I assume that Kim Jong Un is trying to solidify support within the military ranks and within the various standing committees. This is a way for him to show his strength and determination...the question is, how far is he willing to go to show his power and resolve? This is dangerous, especially since he is so young.
Well, as a US Army officer, I can tell you that US Missile Defense systems are the best in the Korean Peninsula. Almost nothing will get past the Patriot Missile Batteries and the Battalions and Divisions stationed there. While only one nuclear weapon will cause massive devastation, North Korea will be crushed by not only the United States, but a multinational force that is committed to its safety.
Yes to all! That is awesome that you are from there. I spent a great deal of time at Kalighat while in Kolkata last. Amazing place! Thanks for the suggestions!
That is amazing! Yes I know the Uyghur people, met a few of them in a training exercise once. That sounds amazing!
When you are back, If we are there, we should def. meet up! We are planning on staying around the University of Calcutta. That is awesome that your wife hails from there as well!
Yes it is wonderful! I have been twice!
Indian Theology of an Islamic sort...something like the local Sufi traditions, the Sikhs, the splinter Shia groups and the Mughal heritage etc? Sounds like it would have to bring in Pakistan as well...like the Aga Khan, Ismaili's etc.
I will be conducting my research at local temples devoted to a Shakti, for example, Kali. Hbu? what is your project?
hahaha well can we say that your sisters project was....successful!
But if you meet the right people over in India...why not go beyond the husband to the commune...so much better! =)
Anyway...My partner and I are planning on going to Kolkata for a project on Hindu Theology...specifically Sacrificial Theology. hbu all?
This is supposed to be the moment when all of the anonymous hackers out there get the results from those at IIE and then disseminate the info to us proles out here! Oi Vey! This waiting is equivalent to Alain Badiou's concept of the Event!