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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    Chem PhD

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  1. Anyone visit Columbia yet? I know people have said on here that the admissions office said they're done with making offers, but does anyone know how late rejections will come? Trying to make my decision sooner than later.
  2. I don't think they've sent out rejections yet. At this point, I personally am operating under the assumption that I've been rejected. Seems highly unlikely that they'll admit anyone this late in the game.
  3. tried calling duke today to find out what's up...got an automated message to pick administration to talk to or just someone in general. Tried both and both brought me to someones voicemail. Wish they would let us know what's going on
  4. Have a great time!
  5. no posts in 2 days on here? Starting to get awfully quiet, guess decision season is coming to an end. Not looking good at the 4 remaining schools I've yet to hear from, although a lot of people it seems still have not heard from Duke. Hoping they're just a little behind in the process this year.
  6. Emailed Duke this morning to ask for a timeframe of when the application decision would be made. For all of you still waiting this is the response I received. "Duke Chemistry is still in the process of reviewing applications and I'm unable, at this time, to let you know when all decisions will go out, except to say the end of February is the best estimate I can provide."
  7. Anyone know the deal with Duke? I figured I'd hear back earlier since their deadline was the earliest (December 8th), but still haven't heard a peep and the results page seems to be lacking from them so I must not be alone.
  8. Just got into Georgia Tech with additional fellowship! Weight off my shoulders after my recommendations were over a week late
  9. seems like there's a lot of silence in the results section for chemistry the past few days. hope to hear from more places soon!
  10. So I emailed columbia to see if they received my GRE scores, since it still said awaiting on my application status. They emailed me back saying that they still haven't run the program to match up my GRE score with my application, but they were received. Does this mean they have yet to begin reviewing my application? It was submitted before the deadline of December 15th.
  11. I was one of the ones rejected from MIT yesterday and my desired specialization was Inorganic
  12. Just got my rejection e-mail from MIT. Not surprised. Good luck to the rest of you!
  13. If it makes you feel any better, I have not heard back from Duke either, and my stats are 3.6 undergrad GPA, one summer REU, 2 years of research and one paper in preparation. Also my Q/V GRE scores were 164/157. Judging by the results, it looks as though the only chem offers made from Duke so far has been to international students, so I'm thinking that maybe they haven't reviewed the domestic apps or haven't sent out those offers/rejections yet. I wouldn't worry about it just yet. You're definitely still in the running!
  14. the waiting is killing me...I just want to hear back, for better or worse. Just figured I'd come on here to vent a bit lol anyone else feel this way?
  15. Deadline for Syracuse University is March 15th.
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