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Everything posted by rebecca1968

  1. Hello All, I would like to hear from the graduate students in doctoral programs on this issue. I received my Masters in 2008 and now I am contemplating a Phd. I have worked primarily in the private sector but would like to shift gears and enter higher education in some capactiy, ideally in teaching and research. As I have a masters, I could theoretically be hired as assistant faculty, adjunct, etc... however, a full professorship at some point would be virtually impossible without a doctorate. I anticipate that I have a good 30 years of professional life left. My question is, do those of you in programs currently and who expect to graduate with a doctorate feel that the costs of your program and the debt are worth it today? I can't imagine escaping a program without being less than 30 thousand in the hole...what say you on the concept of value vs cost? Thanks, Rebecca
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