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Everything posted by kaykay12

  1. Andres Zervigon at Rutgers, as well. Also, I don't think Geoffrey Batchen is at CUNY anymore. Last I heard he was teaching in NZ...
  2. Brazilianbuddy: I agree, the location for a 2 year master's is really not important to me. I'm willing to do whatever it takes at this point
  3. As we near the end of this cycle, is anyone finding that you will be taking a different road than you had anticipated? I applied for PhD programs, and while I did get accepted into 1 program with funding, I am assuming that I did not get into my top school/s (based on the results board). I am considering getting my MA (or 2!) and then reapplying for the PhD... Anyone else in a similar situation?
  4. kaykay12


    Mary Queen of Scotch, have you heard anything from Brown or Harvard? Or has anyone else heard anything? The waiting is killing me! Also, it seems that Rutgers PhD offers were sent out a few weeks ago, according to the results board (I applied there as well and did not get an offer).
  5. kaykay12


    Has anyone heard anything?
  6. @Kiwi2 Yes no problem, I'll message you as well.
  7. @staarchick23 I'll message you
  8. First admit today! UNM Masters!
  9. Congrats to the UPenn admit!
  10. Hey Assassina, I recently registered for this course though I have not begun the work yet. It sounds very promising though! It's an on-line course through the University of Wisconsin and it's called German for Reading Knowledge. It's certainly more pricey than buying books alone, but I have a hard time teaching myself things and do much better with structure and assignments etc. Good luck! Here's the course information: https://il.wisconsin.edu/catalog/course.aspx?course=U424-391
  11. Congrats to the person who got accepted!! I'll take that as my rejection. * Sigh * Ah well, keeping my fingers crossed for better news in the coming weeks.
  12. I applied, but haven't heard anything yet...
  13. So, I got a letter today from one of the masters programs I'm applying to and got SO excited. It was short lived though, all the letter said was that they need my transcript (even though I sent them 2 copies). * Sigh * At least it means things are moving along....right?!
  14. Agreed
  15. In the spirit of trying to stay sane, let's celebrate that it's already midway through January!
  16. Agreed! I love coming here at the end of the day, after one too many conversations with people who have never gone through this, and know that you all are feeling the same way. We'll make it!
  17. I'm glad I'm not the only one losing my mind...
  18. Hi Virago, when I filled out my application for them I could only upload all my supporting materials after I've submitted the application. Hope that helps! Here is the link with more information: http://gradstudy.rutgers.edu/apply/supporting-materials
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