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Posts posted by Scaty05

  1. If it's Tuesday, my thesis draft for my defense is due the day after.  Great timing.  ugh.  


    I feel like we should all pour a shot and keep it on the nightstand for 3 AM. lol.

  2. My advisor and I do not mesh... I keep hoping it will get better, but it's only getting worse.  She's taken on too much, she's in over her head, and she seems to make time for everything except advising me.  But she won't admit it.  She forgets to tell me things, she forgets to send me things, she's completely unavailable and I'm the one who ends up looking unorganized and unprepared.  I'm so sick of it.  I don't know if it's because I'm becoming so resentful, but now even the time she does spend with me, it feels like we're speaking two different languages.  We just do not click.  Any grad students have some advice?  Unfortunately, she is the only professor in my program doing research in my area.

  3. Is this taboo? 


    I was accepted to a school that would like a decision asap and I am feeling some pressure to respond to their offer.  However, I am waiting for one other school...  I contacted this program's graduate admissions office a couple of weeks ago and was told that they thought the department would send out responses within a week.  When this didn't happen, I called again this week and was told this time that they weren't sure when they would be sending them out, but that it would be before April 15th.  The POI at the school where I have been accepted has said that just having a timeline for when I might be able to give them an answer would be helpful. 


    So my question is, would it be inappropriate to reach out to my POI at the school I haven't heard from yet to ask when they plan to send out their decisions?  I have spoken with this person on a few occasions and they have always been very kind and helpful.  I worry about overstepping though.

  4. I was accepted to a program that I will likely attend.  However, I am still waiting to hear from one school that is a possibility, depending on what they offer me.  When I spoke with my POI and was offered acceptance, I explained that I was very excited, but that I had not heard back from all of my schools yet and I just wanted to make sure that I was reviewing all my options.  That was several weeks ago however, and this other school does not seem to be in a rush to give me an answer.


    So... do I contact my professor at the school where I was accepted and explain that I'm still waiting to hear from other schools?  Or should I just keep waiting and hope the professor doesn't reach out to me again before I hear?  I don't want them to think I'm not interested, because I am... And I certainly don't want to appear rude.  I know that if I don't accept they will need to come up with a backup plan and the more time I give them for that, the better (I was told this on the phone). 


    Perhaps professors expect to wait quite a while for a response and I am worrying for nothing?

  5. Oh and Vincenzo - I have felt like that my whole life!  I have also been fairly successful working in corporate and I often feel like I'm just winging it and getting lucky every time.  I keep waiting for someone to figure me out.  Perhaps our standards are too high for ourselves?  I also get bored with positions alarmingly fast... as soon as I become comfortable and have a routine down, I tend to get bored.  Maybe I like a challenge.  So weird to hear from someone with similar feelings!

  6. Thank you everyone for the thoughtful words and encouragement.  I am trying my best to stay positive.  This is actually a very big move for me.  I have been out of school for several years now and have finally discovered my passion.  I didn't want to jump into graduate school right after my BA without knowing exactly what I wanted.  Now that I know, I am feeling a little out of the academia loop... this whole application process has felt like such a guessing game.  I guess I am lucky to have professors who still remember me and care about me.  Everyone is just so excited for me...  I hope that I can give them good news.

  7. I've been wondering the same thing.  People have posted in the results that they have received interview requests for Psychology at some of my schools, but none have specified Social Psychology.  So I'm not sure if each focus manages it differently within a department or if I'm probably going to be rejected.

  8. I had this amazing professor who is so supportive and believes in me so much.  He told me he's be surprised if I didn't get into most of the programs I applied to...


    I've already been rejected from 1/6 and I haven't heard a peep from any of the others yet...  :(


    Feeling really stressed that I'm not only going to let myself down if I don't get in anywhere, but I have these people who think I'm so great.  i feel like I've somehow fooled them all.  lol.  And they're going to find out what a failure I am.  Not ready for that allusion to be shattered... it's going to be humiliating. 

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