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Posts posted by ArtsyGirl

  1. After a hasty and failed attempt at trying to get into gradschool last year (MBAs with nonprofit specializations), I decided to give it a go again  this year and I applied to programs that were more appropriate for my goals (public administration).  I'm interested in non-profit management, arts management/administration, and cultural policy.  So far, I've applied to 5 schools, most of which had February 1 deadlines.  I missed a couple of deadlines that were in December for some other programs, but that's okay.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  If accepted anywhere, I'd have to get funding.  My GREs aren't too great.  I'm horrible at standardized tests and I already have a masters in another field.  I've been working abroad for the pat 3 years. Good letters of rec and a strong SOP and resume. Let the waiting begin!


    Indiana MPA-MAAA (nonprofit and arts administration dual degrees)

    Pitt MPA

    UGA MPA (nonprofit)

    Syracuse MPA

    GA State MPA


    Anyone else applying for MPA programs?  Any words of wisdom?

  2. Hi guys.  I tried unsuccessfully last year to gain admission into a few programs that I don't think were right for me based on my career goals in the first place (fail).  Now that I've had time to lick my wounds and re-evaluate things,


    I've decided that an MPA would be the best choice for me.  My background is unrelated to business and don't have much quantitative work behind me.  I already have an MA in linguistics and have been teaching at universities abroad for the past few years while working with a non-profit start-up that is based in the states.  I would like to move into non-profit management and have some volunteer and board experience at arts organizations and literacy organizations.  I am most interested in arts management /cultural policy in an international context, but I would also like to get a general understanding of public and non-profit management.  I have been looking at the following programs:


    Indiana-MPA-MAAA dual degree (Public Affairs-nonprofit focus with Arts Administration)

    CMU-MAM-GIOCA dual degree (Arts Management and Innovation/Organizatioon of Culture and the Arts)...not an MPA but within a Public Policy school  Debating whether or not to keep this on my list because it is more narrowly focused, but I know it's a good program.





    I will stay involved with the nonprofit (newly awarded 501c3 status) and I do hope to actually apply the things that I learn to the organization to make it better.  We are working on getting funding, but we are a ways away from that so I will still need a day job :-) ....I would like to graduate with the tools I need to get the nonprofit where it needs to be, and I would also like to work in a cultural organization. 


    Does anyone have any other suggestions for programs to apply to?  Do you have any general bits of advice?  Any advice in terms of outside funding sources?  Anyone have experience in any of the aforementioned programs?







  3. I am bumping this thread up to see how everyone is doing?  I am new...I just submitted MBA apps to programs with good non-profit/social enterprise reputations and also arts admin programs.  I ultimately would like to manage a theater, but I would also like to get a non-profit start up and running successfully (it isn't arts related, but I'm one of the key players).  I'm applied to NYU, Berkeley, Wisconsin-Madison (MBA arts administration) and Yale (MBA/MFA theater management).  The latter two being my top choices, Yale #1.  I am keeping my fingers crossed!  Where did you guys who applied ultimately end up?

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