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Everything posted by Wander

  1. Hi all, I was offered the award, and have found these forums helpful in putting together my application, so I wanted to share my results and some of what seemed to work for me (I'm in the field of Earth Sciences, applied in Geosciences - Climate and Large-Scale Atmospheric Dynamics) E/E, VG/E, E/E Past Research: I listed my publications that had been published as well as those that had been submitted. I think this was important because I had three submitted papers, which shows continued research productivity. EDIT: I clearly listed the submitted publications as such Outreach: I listed specific, detailed proposal for outreach. (i.e. working with X school to develop an after-school program with Y as an example project, building on my previous experience of Z) Proposed Research: I cut the length to organize it more clearly and included a figure of some of the preliminary data analysis. Although I really had to lose quite a bit of text for the figure, I think this was crucial for me for a couple of reasons. 1) reviewers skim your proposal (think maybe a handful of minutes per proposal) 2) It show you're capable of working with data and will set your proposal apart 3) it conveys a lot of information at a glance (if done well). Style: I put a few (maybe ~7) key phrases or sentences in bold in my personal statement, as well as my hypothesis and specific goals in my proposed research. I think it is always critical to remember that each reviewer only has a few minutes to read what you spent months to prepare. Make sure they read the critical parts in case they are pressed for time.
  2. hahaha, I completely agree. I have StayFocused set on thegradcafe.
  3. I think the most important thing to give the professors who wrote your LORs is a sincere thank you note (or if you're in the same place, tell them face-to-face). I also got something small for each (a different CD that I thought each would like). But again, I really do think the most important thing is to let them know that you truly do appreciate the time and effor they put into your LORs.
  4. Columbia is definitely a great program that fits my research interests well, but I've not yet heard from them officially. Doing my best to keep a lid on spinning off into "what-if" daydreams (or nightmares depending on my mood). Seems to me that I'm most stressed, and waste the most time, when I let myself start wandering down those paths.
  5. To be honest I have to do a good bit of thinking about all of the programs. Specifically, where they would land me coming out of a PhD. I have a good handle of how well each program fits my research, but it's going to come down to the placement of students coming out of the program and the connections that each university/program/POI has. Important for the career path etc etc.
  6. Thanks for the advice. I completely get wanting to have people make a decision so that they can turn the offer around if need be. And I certainly have no intention of holding onto offers until April 15th, or in fact holding onto any that I know I won't accept. I suppose I'll give the other schools a few weeks before requesting an extension.
  7. Hi everyone, I understand that most offers of acceptance are open until April 15th, so I was surprised to receive a letter stating that I need to respond within one month before my funding offer expires. Is this common? I am slightly worried because the school is a very good option for me, but other schools to which I've applied have in past years not sent admits to students until late Feb or even mid March? This would mean that my funding for this school may expire before I even hear back from other schools. I certainly don't want to rush the decision of the other schools as I'm sure this process is hectic enough as it is, but at the same time I would need to hear from them before making a final decision. Thanks all in advance for the advice.
  8. UMD AOSC just emailed to say that I was accepted!
  9. And congrats CC2014 on Texas A&M!
  10. Just got the UCI offer via email, first response is a good one!
  11. Congrats GeoDUDE! Glad to hear you've got good news so early! Having the first news be good news certainly takes the pressure away.
  12. Yeah, I think most responses of "interview" at this point are more the pre-application interview sorts of things. Trying to limit my time on Grad Cafe to < 10 min a day. Working more. That's about it.
  13. no worries, I think waiting to hear back is a plenty legitimate approach. Good luck to both of you!
  14. Just curious (and this is not meant in any way to pressure you), but is there info in your stats that's not public record for anyone with access to your complete name and the internet? Or is it just that you'd rather not be tied to other posts on thegradcafe.com? For me, all of my info is more or less in all of the standard places anyway (google scholar, academia.edu, my home page, linkedin, etc...) and I have relatively few posts, which I try to make as if my complete name were to be attached to them anyway. The only reason I ask is so that those applying in future years understand pros/cons of posting their profiles on these threads.
  15. So with most (all?) of the application deadlines past, any other applicants for Fall 2014 lurking out there waiting to post applicant stats? If not, and I understand some not want to do so for concerns of privacy, who else applied this year and to where? Trying to mute the anxiety of waiting with some company. Surely there's more than 6-8 of us out there trolling this thread for this year.
  16. I definitely second the idea of skyping with professors! I think meeting my POIs face-to-face made a huge difference in how my application will be viewed and how well I know each program and POI. It will also show that you are sincere in your desire to meet with them and are willing to work around problems (in this case financial) to do so.
  17. I've been told by professors that part of their decision is based on you showing interest. In my field informal interviews are not uncommon, but not necessarily the norm. I was invited to one but went and requested that I meet with my POIs for the others. It may be worth sending an email to the POIs you're most interested in working with to show interest, even if you don't think they will meet with you. I generally started by requesting a phone conversation. I would guess that what is being labeled as an "interview" by others may well have been this sort of informal campus-visit or phone conversation. Even if you've already submitted your application, I would say poke around to see how common contacting POIs during the applications process is in your field.
  18. You may have already had your meeting, but I wanted to post this resource anyway for anyone else reading the thread (I'd be shocked if it hasn't come up elsewhere on this site): theprofessorisin.com. It's mainly geared at current graduate students and those seeking positions on the academic market, but you don't have to think very hard to see why nearly all of this advice applies to students looking to get into graduate school. How not to act in an interview: http://theprofessorisin.com/2013/05/10/the-six-ways-youre-acting-like-a-grad-student-and-how-thats-killing-you-on-the-job-market/ Working Conferences (the "don't cling" advice really applies at conferences, and less so for this sort of meeting): http://theprofessorisin.com/2011/08/17/how-to-work-the-conference-part-one-of-two/ The Campus Visit: http://theprofessorisin.com/2011/11/22/dr-karens-rules-of-the-campus-visit/ The Informal Chat: http://theprofessorisin.com/2011/11/09/chat-ching-dealing-with-the-informal-conference-chat/ It's worth poking around everything on the site also, I found it all very helpful.
  19. Undergrad Institution: Johns Hopkins University Major(s): Environmental Engineering (5 yr BS/MSE) Minor(s): none GPA in Major: 3.77 Overall GPA: 3.75 Position in Class: Not certain Type of Student: domestic white male GRE Scores (revised/old version): Q: 164 V: 167 W: 4.0 (I hope this is counterbalanced by my SoP and the quality of writing in my publications, which are a better indicator of my ability to write well.) Research Experience: One published article first author, two submitted first author, one submitted second author. Two were from my time as a student and two from my time working since then (I'm 1.5 yrs out of school). I've presented my research at conferences (posters) and to policy makers (oral presentation, as a member of a research team from at my current job). Awards/Honors/Recognitions: departmental and general honors Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Research position currently in a related field. As mentioned above this has led to submitting two papers that are now in review. Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Some relevant experience in professional service doing things like organizing a panel event Special Bonus Points: Rec letter from someone that knows 3 or 4 of my POIs personally. This may not be uncommon enough to give me "bonus points" but it did give me an in to meet with them before submitting my application. Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: Applying to Where: PhD programs relating to the hydroclimate and drought. University of Maryland - PhD Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Columbia - PhD Earth and Environmental Sciences UC Irvine - PhD Earth System Science Princeton - PhD Civil and Environmental Engineering Good luck brooks40204! It doesn't look like we're applying to the same programs, but I may see you around at some conferences I suppose.
  20. I began work at my current job in July, so my supervisor hasn't known me long enough to write the kind of letter that my old professors can. But I've still done substantial research in that time since July. Any previous applicants have an idea how/when non-letter-writing references are contacted?
  21. So I have a question about the research references. I'm currently working at a research institute and haven't yet told my supervisor that I'm applying to grad school. As I've coauthored papers with my current supervisor, he's a contact for my research experiences. When might they contact research references / do they? I don't want my supervisor to find out via email from NDSEG but ideally I'd wait till Feb - April when I know where / if I was accepted to tell him for sure.
  22. Thanks bananaphone, that link is very helpful!
  23. No, and I'm by no means implying that I certainly will. I just figure that most things I would do to prepare for an interview would be beneficial regardless of whether or not I receive an interview, and was curious if anyone had suggestions on preparation.
  24. I've heard it's not very practical to prep for the interview, anyone prepping anyway? If so, how...
  25. I sincerely hope that was sarcasm, otherwise we've taken a flying leap into the realm of Grad Student Neuroticism.
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