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About student90210

  • Birthday 06/27/1988

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Social movements
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    PhD Sociology/Gender

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Hello everyone, I am considering applying for a PhD in Sociology, but I have some things working against me. I am finishing my Masters degree at a middle-level university in Europe and my grades are not good at all, low GPA, higher GPA from undergraduate though. GRE scores are around 160, but I plan on re-taking them. I am interested in social movement and would like to ask, what are the chances of getting accepted with a low-GPA from my previous graduate studies?
  2. Any thoughts on the new USNWR ranking of PoliSci depts?
  3. Congrats! Your acceptance really gives me hope! Maryland is my top choice, so I hope to also get the email about being accepted off the wait list!
  4. For those waiting on American, School of Public Affairs, I called the department and was told that letters should be out in about 2 weeks.
  5. Wait-listed at UMD... What should I expect?
  6. What's wrong with the results board? So many trolls and people that post the same results multiple times!
  7. Do you have any idea how many applications UMD gets every year and how many they accept?
  8. Waiting on American University, Brandeis and Claremont. According to the results board, I should still have some hope about UMD.
  9. Hey, I also got accepted, funding TBD, but I am still thinking of accepting. I called the department and they were really really nice, so I'll find out more at the visit on Friday. The department is not top 20, but it's still pretty good, but it depends on your goals. I see the usually place 4-5 people per year to smaller schools. I wanna congratulate you on getting a funded offer, that's awesome! Are you the one that posted on the results board about getting 24k per year? I will see you on Friday, if you decide to attend!
  10. American University, Brandeis next week?
  11. I think they read this forum also to see when other schools ("the competition") release letters, what's a profile of the candidate, etc
  12. You're so right! It gets annoying when someone comes to you with a list of "possible jobs for PoliSci majors," like you're gonna "work in a research institution" or be a "campaign manager" right out of undergraduate. Anyways, I think about 50% of people work in a field unrelated to their degree... I have Polisci friends that ended up doing marketing or HR for corporations.
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