First time on this site but very glad to find it after stumbling around in the dark trying to learn about various grad schools.
I am in the process of applying to:
Boston College
Simmons College
Boston University
Smith College
Washington University in St. Louis
Saint Louis University
Catholic University of America
Case Western Reserve University
I'm considering paring it down as I see mostly people applying to less than this. I am going for a Mental Health concentration, hoping to become an LCSW afterwards. I have a 3.813 GPA and some decent recommendations. I have also worked in the field for approx 1 1/2 years. However, my major was Theater. I have a lot of teaching training as well as my social work and volunteered in India for 4 months.
My questions:
1. Should I pare down my schools?
2. Does anyone know anything about Saint Louis University or Catholic University of America?
3. Did you visit all your schools you applied to or only some?
4. Should I be worried that I am still scrambling to finish apps?
Thanks in advance and hope to hear from someone soon!