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Everything posted by hilaryo24

  1. Oh definitely, without a doubt! I can't wait!
  2. Thank you! Yes it was for the MSW. Don't lose hope! I was going crazy because it seemed to be taking forever, but they told me that some reviewers just take longer to review the application. I got an email from them telling me that a decision was rendered and that I could view my letter on the application website. I totally understand that anxious/nervousness! But seriously don't worry about it, you'll probably hear from them within the next couple of days!
  3. Just got my acceptance to NYU with an 8,000 dollar scholarship! I applied 1/4, application was complete and sent for review as of 1/22, and on 2/19 I was accepted, exactly four weeks after my application was sent for review. Good luck everyone!
  4. Congratulations! When did you apply? I am going crazy waiting! I submitted my application on 1/4 but it wasn't marked complete 1/22, so frustrating!
  5. Hey everyone, I figured I would join this forum because I have been compulsively checking the status of my applications, and I figured it'd be nice to be surrounded by others who understand the agony! So, I applied to: NYU: 1/4 (but my application status is incomplete because they don't have my transcripts from one of the two undergrad colleges I attended) University of Buffalo: Applied 1/7, accepted 1/14 University at Albany: Applied 12/27, marked complete 1/7 Has anyone heard back from Albany? My mailing address is my parent's house, but I live on my own, so I haven't been out there to check the mail lately.
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