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Posts posted by nainalerom

  1. Ugh. The worst part is that once people start to feel the benefits of universal healthcare, they'll do a 180 and pretend they supported it the whole time. Maybe not the tea partiers but definitely the moderates.
  2. Ha. But actually, in all seriousness, I'd be curious to know what everyone's contingency plans are... anyone have good recommendations? I know some people are actually employed, but at least for those of us who are graduating senior/unemployed I'd be curious what everyone is going to try for as a back-up option?
    I've been offered a provosts scholarship at Oregon state u to study molecular biology (phd)! At this point I have no bad options, and I feel pretty fortunate for that.
  3.   I think I've given up with speculation. That doesn't mean I don't make sure to check my email and the forums at 3 and 5 :>
    Me too. I'm not trying to predict when I'll get it anymore, but I still check my email religiously. In other news, this thread is almost 100 pages long!
  4. Thank you! We are trying to hold on here. :) But it is like pushing rocks uphill.

    Curious, have you listened to this episode of This American Life / were you familiar with the whole preschool thing? I didn't know how to feel about it because obviously these legislators were essentially tricked (they had no idea what they were passing) but they also passed something I support.. Here's the link(act 4): http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/477/getting-away-with-it

  5. My research is about online voting and voter motivation. There will be two elections in Estonia during the duration of the grant (Sep-June). So the timing is ideal. Estonia has been using online voting since 2007 and it has been growing in popularity. I worked on a congressional campaign here in OK. So, voter participation is a topic near to my heart.   I was asked to run for chair of my county party. It sounds kind of lame, but that is where politics begins here. I also got asked to work on a local campaign here doing volunteer coordination. So, I have opportunities, but it's really hard to commit, you know.
    That sounds like a really big deal actually! Do you mind if I ask what party? Was it hard to leave politics out of the application (or did you)?
  6. I want to have patience, but yeah, that is gone.   I have no clue as to when they might decide, but I am torn as to whether or not that is a good or a bad thing.
    Take your mind off it for a bit! What did you propose? Also you mentioned you might run for office at home, what position?
  7. Welcome to all the longtime lurkers coming out of the woodworks!

    Does anyone else feel like they're living in shrodinger's box? I have two clear life paths right now, and im sort of half-planning for both. that one email is going to instantly direct it one way or the other. Too nerdy of a reference?

  8. If we keep this up, we'll make every day seem extra important. It's a waste of time... this thread blew up with at least 15 posts before there was a notification for the Austria Fulbrighter.

    I see 20 notifications about new posts, and the majority of the conversations are "I hope today is the day..." like every day. I'm not a very patient guy, but waiting patiently is the most sensible thing to do in my opinion.

    To be fair, though, I think the reason a lot of us are here is because we're not particularly good at patiently waiting. I know I would've been freaking out every day with or without this forum, and it's nice to know that there are other people out there going through the same thing.

  9. Did anyone in the past ever find out on a Saturday or Sunday??
    I don't think so, but you could go check the google doc from last year and match it with an old calendar! I'm about ready to give up on hearing today too. :(
  10. I applying for the full.

    which one's are announced first? This is killing me with my PhD offers in hand, I'm keeping them in suspense until I hear about the Fulbright.

    Me too! We have till April 15th though right?

  11. I have too much nervous, pent up energy not to post. And I would drive all my friends and family crazy if I prattled away about this all the time. So I do it here, and drive you people crazy.

    Why not both? ;) I drive my roommates crazy

  12. So do the countries talk to our proposed advisors in determining selection? Would our proposed advisors know anything? I'm thinking about sending mine an email if thats the case. Its not just that I'm super curious and want to know, but I need to make some decisions regarding this next coming year and this wait is really making things difficult!

    My proposed mentor got an email from the binational board asking about housing in the city, feasibility of my project, etc. That's actually how I found out I was a finalist. In terms of finding out whether I'm selected, I'm sure he won't know until I do.

    Again, this was the US Norway binational board. The binational boards are somewhat autonomous. Norway is a country with a small number of grants and a lot of resources... they may be the exception, not the rule.

  13. Ahhh great, so much for a pattern. There's no predictability ahh! I struggle to be productive with this news looming.

    edit: speaking of patterns, is it just coincidence that a lot of south american countries are hearing? They are really on top of their game.

    Yeah I think it's a coincidence. I believe the IIE is the rate limiting step for a lot of countries. I know that Norway sent its rankings in at the end of January (that's what they told my proposed mentor, at least).

  14. I'd love to hear everyone's proposals. I mean, while we're waiting (possibly forever)

    I'm hoping to work on the molecular biology (more specifically, the epigenomics) of Norwegian spruce trees in relation to climate change. Any other biologists out there?

  15. Can't believe the first round of acceptances is out... Congratulations to all who were accepted, fingers crossed for alternates, and hugs and warm wishes for those who were not selected.

    For those of us still waiting... I am now officially on red alert and will be constantly checking my e-mail between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. every day. ahhhhh!

    I'm even checking mine after 5 because what I'd they're making some underpaid overworked intern send out the emails? (That's my crazy talking)

  16. Another option is to defer the grad school for a year...that's what I'm planning to do, I have 2 programs I'm deciding between and both will let me defer the year if by some divine act of god I'm awarded a fellowship...that way I can have my cake and eat it too ;) mmm...cake...
    Yeah... Can't defer a provost's scholarship though! Can only hope to be nominated again and not burn bridges turning it down... That is, if the fulbright thing pans out. Oy.
  17. this forum makes me want to keep checking for a decision when in reality i probably have a month to wait. ah. meanwhile i am starting to hear from grad programs, starting with a few i wonder why i even applied to in the first place (re: there'sanappforthat "WHAT WAS I THINKING!?"<-- that literally made me laugh out loud hahaha...) well i'm sure we're all sold on the fulbright idea, but for schools some things are hard to turn down even if you're unsure they're right for you...sigh...unless..

    come on fulbright........................!! O.O / must start researching additional scholarships...

    It would definitely be hard to turn down grad schools (especially if you get awesome-sounding scholarships) but just think-- when you apply again next year you'll have the exact same application plus a fulbright. It couldn't hurt right?

  18. this forum makes me want to keep checking for a decision when in reality i probably have a month to wait. ah. meanwhile i am starting to hear from grad programs, starting with a few i wonder why i even applied to in the first place (re: there'sanappforthat "WHAT WAS I THINKING!?"<-- that literally made me laugh out loud hahaha...) well i'm sure we're all sold on the fulbright idea, but for schools some things are hard to turn down even if you're unsure they're right for you...sigh...unless..

    come on fulbright........................!! O.O / must start researching additional scholarships...

  19. Even if I don't comment all the time, I check this thread numerous times a day. Ahhh can't wait until I hear the final decision.. even if its a no, it'll be nice to finalize plans for next year.

    My thoughts exactly! I've been accepted to a couple programs that I'd be happy to go to, but I just want to know!

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