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Everything posted by idioteck

  1. I was remembering where I was a year ago and then I remembered- I was glued to this forum! (when I wasn't busy working on my applications!) I am currently in the MFA program at UCSB. UCSB was last on my list last year but I ended up choosing this program over Ohio State where I got a full ride offer (big ann hamilton fan here too) and am really happy with my decision. The program is small but everyone has TA ships and there are quite a few fellowships available. Everyone is pretty much taken care of by the Art Dept. The campus is beautiful, our studios are huge and proximity to LA is great (drove down the Lari Pittman lecture last night). The program is on the conceptual side and theory is a major component to the program. I was surprised that it is still somewhat under the radar but it's definitely worth checking out. Enrique Martinez Celaya is probably my favorite alumni. Here is my stuff: jeffpagestudio.com
  2. I was remembering where I was a year ago and then I remembered- I was glued to this forum! (when I wasn't busy working on my applications!) I am currently in the MFA program at UCSB. UCSB was last on my list last year but I ended up choosing this program over Ohio State where I got a full ride offer (big ann hamilton fan here too) and am really happy with my decision. The program is small but everyone has TA ships and there are quite a few fellowships available. Everyone is pretty much taken care of by the Art Dept. The campus is beautiful, our studios are huge and proximity to LA is great (drove down the Lari Pittman lecture last night). The program is on the conceptual side and theory is a major component to the program. I think this program is a little known gem that is out there so I thought I would include in this forum. Enrique Martinez Celaya is probably my favorite alumni. Here is my stuff: jeffpagestudio.com
  3. I did my undergrad at SFAI and it was AMAZING. CCA has a killer program too. I would let funding and faculty drive your decision. SFAI is an oasis though...The lecture series and visiting artist program is second to none in the Bay Area.
  4. Thanks for that! All those posts were so over the top/extreme.
  5. Same here. I got my BFA in 2002! I've been developing my art practice slowly but steadily ever since and have really hit my stride in the past few years. Some people really are "ready" right out of undergrad- I sure wasn't but am really confident about everything today
  6. Any wait-listed Ohio State Painters.....hopefully one of you will be getting a call soon! I just accepted my UCSB offer.
  7. I don't know why some schools wait so long....it seems like it's in their best interest to notify people as soon as they can in order to stay competitive with other programs.
  8. nothing from U. Wash Seattle or U. of Oregon
  9. Ok I can get on with my life! Officially rejected from Rutgers this morning (really thought I had a chance there but oh well...).
  10. Just heard from Columbia with a rejection email. Now if Rutgers would step up and deliver a yes or no I would be happy to start planning my future!
  11. nothing from either of them
  12. still no word from Rutgers or Columbia for me. No news is good news at this point for me (CAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC!!)
  13. Mine still says "no decision"
  14. 10AM: Accepted to OSU with full package. 1PM:Rejected from University of Chicago... Keep 'em comin'!!
  15. No longer wait-listed at Ohio State.....Full tuition, TA and stipend! Now if all of my other schools would join in on the negotiations so I can make my decision and get on with my life!!!!
  16. I know similar types of artists who have gotten into Bemis and thrived there- I'd say it's always worth applying. Here is a residency in Denver that I know a lot of good things about...their deadline is March 15th: http://platteforum.org/residency.php
  17. yeah, that was my thinking too. Every other program I've spoken with says this too.....it's merely a formality they have to do in the acceptance process.
  18. I just read the thread on here about how we were supposed to have official transcripts sent to Rutgers.....Well shit, I haven't done that yet. I wonder if I should bother at this point? SIDE NOTE: I know I'm not the first one to complain about this, but seriously- why can't there be a universal standard to this whole process???? All this checking and triple checking of what each institutions requirements are is maddening. How amazing would it be to fill out one slideroom app with a checklist of all the school you would like it sent to, pay a fat bill and be DONE.
  19. ME TOO. I would like to join the group of people saying they got calls from Rutgers.......any. minute. now.
  20. I got my BFA in 2002 and thought this would be an issue for me but it worked out. I really participate in the small but active art scene here in Denver and this made getting letter of recs easy- people were familiar with my work, who I am and what I'm about. In my opinion, I think it's important to get letter of recs from people in world of academia and/or the art world....not just friends who know you and your work well. How involved are you in your local art scene? You'd be surprised to see who is happy to help you in this area (as long as your work is strong, of course!). I ended up getting a KILLER letter of rec from a local museum director who is well known in the art world. Just remember- in the end, the strength of your work is what pushes you to the top. The letter of recs are just extra fluff for your app. It's easy for everyone to get caught up in these details when we should just be in our studios working.....
  21. I spoke with the main guy, Michael, in the MFA grad dept. at OSU and he told me to pay NO ATTENTION to that application status page on the osu website...they don't really monitor that at all and it is often incorrect.
  22. Damn! I haven't heard anything from U of Oregon yet. Thought I had a good shot at their program. Just have to wait and see how it all shakes out I guess......
  23. I live in Denver and thought about applying to CU Boulder but I heard from the grad office that the funding for their program was not that great (maybe they were wrong?!?) so I didn't apply. There art scene in Boulder is TINY, most everything is in Denver where the scene is small but active. Personally I wouldn't worry about if your grad program sets you up with a gallery or not. Just focus on developing kick ass work and the galleries will follow.
  24. Just heard from UIC about 10 minutes ago via email. I have been wait listed. No rejections yet!
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