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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Dallas, Texas
  • Interests
    Heidegger, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Philosophy of Religion
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    M.A.R. Philosophical Theology, Villanova

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  1. I'm on there, too. Thanks for getting the conversation started, Taycross.
  2. Ok here is what I've got so far: an email from Doreen Generoso in the financial aid office congratulating me on my acceptance to YDS and informing me that I've been awarded a scholarship. I'm currently in Germany and have no way of knowing whether admissions has called me, and my application status online still reads "submitted." Furthermore, the email from Doreen is titled "Yald Divinity...."; have I fallen prey to some sort of joke? The email looks perfectly legitimate, otherwise, although it doesn't mention the degree I applied for - MARc philosophical theology. Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Sort of freaking out here.
  3. Thanks for the feedback, Unacclimated. At this point in the process it's tempting to start doubting oneself.
  4. Your piece on Hegel sounds like an excellent submission choice. I'd be interested in reading it, in fact. I was torn between submitting an excerpt from a longer paper on Heidegger or a brief, five page essay that neatly encapsulated an entire argument. I opted for the later, but I suspect that was the weaker of the two options. The piece I chose, while somewhat sophisticated, was geared more to the layman. But since it was featured on First Things.com, I thought it might provide an extra degree of credibility. It's here, if anyone wishes to comment: http://www.firstthings.com/onthesquare/2012/10/heidegger-the-reluctant-theologian As for personal statements, I haven't a clue.
  5. If so, what did you submit as your writing sample? I'm beginning to regret my selection.
  6. Anyone familiar with Villanova's theology program? I realize that it's not a "ranked" department, but does anyone have anything more to say about the quality of the faculty or placement? I applied after learning that they do seem to offer reasonable funding for MA students. They also appear to have a fairly strong placement record, according to the department's website. I know Villanova's philosophy department is strong and I'm drawn to Walter Brogan's work on Nietzsche and Heidegger. The theology graduate director has assured me that I could dialog with the philosophy department and do a thesis in the philosophy of religion. If so, Villanova seems like an attractive option if indeed funding is offered and my applications are denied elsewhere. They have been very proactive in recruiting me though phone calls and frequent correspondence. I'm not a terribly competitive candidate, so it's nice to feel wanted somewhere. Thanks in advance.
  7. Ah, a fellow First Things reader. I don't have much to contribute other than to say that Reno has rather narrow interests in mind when compiling these lists, and that one could probably work within the confines of any of these departments and leverage their relative strengths to tailor an excellent course of study. But, coming as I do from a background in the humanities and the history of ideas, I don't know too much about theology departments or their reputations, and am eager to hear others' thoughts. On a related note, I impulsively wrote Reno asking him for his opinion of a theology program not listed in his published assessment. He answered immediately with thoughtful feedback, which I appreciated.
  8. I suspect that, in the case of MARc applicants, notifications will go out sporadically as individual faculty members submit their decisions. So while one concentration may receive advanced notice, other concentrations may have to wait till the deadline for their respective faculty to report back. That's how I interpreted the note from YDS admissions, at least.
  9. I posted this over on the other thread, but perhaps it applies more here. From YDS admissions: "Thank you for your email! Some MDIV notices have gone out; most have not. MAR notices are incumbent on their individual faculty readers, many of whom do not turn their decisions in until close to our internal deadline for them, rendering early notice impossible before March 15th. You have my sympathies; I remember well how anxious the waiting period can be."
  10. From YDS admissions: "Thank you for your email! Some MDIV notices have gone out; most have not. MAR notices are incumbent on their individual faculty readers, many of whom do not turn their decisions in until close to our internal deadline for them, rendering early notice impossible before March 15th. You have my sympathies; I remember well how anxious the waiting period can be." MAR applicants should breathe easy, at least for a while.
  11. Perhaps someone familiar with YDS could give me a bit of perspective on the likelihood of me gaining admittance to the school. I've applied to the MAR with a concentration in philosophical theology. I have a very average academic record, with an undergraduate GPA of 3.49 in Literary Studies/Philosophy and a 3.22 in a MA program in Humanities, the History of Ideas, both from the University of Texas at Dallas. I've recently "published" a piece on Heidegger's relation to Christian theology, which ran on the official daily blog of the well-regarded magazine First Things. In addition, I'm a newly commissioned missionary bound for Berlin, Germany. I've got several years of support-raising ahead of me and I'd like to pursue some formal theological training before departing for Europe. My dream would be to eventually pursue doctoral studies at Tuebingen or Freiburg. Any thoughts? Much appreciated and best of luck to all.
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