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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
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Impysh's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Thanks for the hope (I have been indulging in wild ideas that they could just be spreading acceptances out over a couple of days...like, maybe ancient philosophy has finalised its choices, but political philosophy is being slow...)
  2. Sorry, I was unclear. I don't think that I am likely to get in to Toronto, which is why I think my chances of an admit this year are extremely low (unless everybody else where I am waitlisted gets accepted into programs they prefer...I am sending all the good vibes out for them...)
  3. I am, yes. Or, well, I was. Two rejections, one waitlisted with a note that I'm unlikely to get an offer, and still waiting on Toronto, so it looks like the season is pretty much over for me.
  4. I'm stilll 'Under review'
  5. Congrats, Philosophy Hopeful! My email said that there were lots of people ahead of me so I probably wouldn't get an offer. I guess I can hope a lot of people also get admitted into places they would prefer...
  6. Thanks, Hasbeen, for posting updates from the places you've contacted. Question for you or anyone else - do you know if Loyola generally interviews applicants, or decides just on the basis of application?
  7. Aaand there goes Northwestern Hopefully people who haven't heard yet are possibles for waitlisting, but I got my first shiny rejection this morning.
  8. Impysh

    Bad sign?

    I'm in the same situation with two of my schools! Of those, one does waitlisting and one says it doesn't, so I am just holding on and thinking that anything except rejection is good.
  9. Got an email yesterday notifying me that a department had received my completed application...that's good, since the deadline was January 15th! No idea what kind of sign it is...maybe that there was something of an admin snafu, and even if I get accepted now I won't get funding?
  10. Just the four in North America. I had a mad moment of inspiration, along the lines of, "This is the one shot I'm going to get to apply to a globally ranked school, and if I'm going to do that, I might as well shoot for the very best, because I'm not leaving the UK for anything less". It's likely that I can get an unfunded PhD position at my current university in the UK if I don't get accepted anywhere else, so I looked at the applications as very labour-intensive lottery tickets more than anything else
  11. I spend until 3pm waiting for the day to start in the US...and then end up hoping for a response up until midnight. Stupid time zones...
  12. And yet, if you scroll through the history on the Reults Search, there have been times when people have reported receiving decisions from UChicago a few days apart. I'm probably going to keep hoping until Tuesday or Wednesday...
  13. The Resuluts database shows that one of the schools I've applied to started to send out acceptances on January 28th for the past two years... So far, no one's posted anything from them this year... I might be wearing out my F5 key.
  14. I had issues with my one too - ETS showed that it had sent the scores to Chicago on 12/12, but it was still showing as not received at the beginning of January. I emailed them to check, and they said that there had been a delay in linking up scores received to applications. They then changed mine so that it showed as received - so you might want to chase it up by email too, just to make sure.
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