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Everything posted by RN2SLP

  1. So, some random inspiration to share: I work part-time as a volunteer coordinator at a couple live theaters in town and last night I had the privilege of seeing former Representative Gabrielle Giffords and her astronaut husband Mark Kelly speak. If you remember, Gabby Giffords was shot in the head 2 years ago while attending a constituent event in Tucson, AZ. She has had to re-learn to do everything and continues to go through speech + physical therapy. She is inspiring to me in this process both because she is an example of the success that can be achieved through speech therapy and because of her spirit and determination. It was a deliberate effort for her to walk out on stage and address the crowd, but I thought her closing quote was fabulous. She said: "Be passionate, Be courageous, Be your best." :-)
  2. Congrats on ODU! The campus there was way prettier than I was expecting. And you would be close to the beach! If you end up moving to Norfolk make sure to ask people about flood zones. Some of the streets in Norfolk flood anytime it rains .
  3. Nope. No mail yet. I'm assuming since neither of us has gotten anything and we both live pretty close to the school they are just late sending them out. Maybe they are waiting till in-field decisions are made before sending letters. If I haven't gotten anything by Wednesday I'm going to email the professor who sent the unofficial acceptance. I wish they would at least update the website so I could stop being paranoid. I'm working on this whole "patience" thing... :-)
  4. Congrats!!! Sounds like the start of a great weekend! :-)
  5. I am out of field but I can understand your frustration. I would think that it would be harder to individually stand out as an in field applicant. So many people have all the right grades, test scores, experience that it makes it hard to understand who gets in and who doesn't. My GPA below is actually from my second (accelerated) bachelors in nursing. My undergrad degree is from an academically rigorous school where I majored in Neuroscience and was super proud of the 3.50 I graduated with. I do wonder what schools think when they see that though. Would I even have a chance without my gpa from nursing school ( which I found way less academically challenging although physically + emotionally harder)?
  6. I was at a family reunion over the weekend and someone (20 years older than me) asked me how old I turned on my birthday in February. I said "I'm old.... 26" and she replied (completely seriously) "That is old!". haha thaaaanks I have been stalking craigslist rooms/shares and sublets. Since I don't have a husband or children it's a little easier for me to just pick up and move. I'm scared to really think about the schools I haven't heard from yet. I probably won't hear anything from either Vandy or Auburn for at least another 1-2 weeks and even though I know that it doesn't keep me from thinking about it / checking tgc constantly.
  7. Thanks y'all! Maybe I will go ahead and email Dr. Moran to see if my application is complete as well. If by some strange circumstance all of my stuff didn't make it there I'd rather know about it now. Good luck to you both! PS: AMarie, thanks for all the great info on UVA! It's good to hear that you have had a positive experience with the faculty since the faculty usually have a huge impact on my experience and happiness as a student. Hope you had fun in the snow yesterday!
  8. My family doesn't seem to understand that you have to apply well in advance. They keep asking me if I'm starting classes soon. I just want to know where I'm going! Speaking of: has anyone heard anything / know anything about Auburn? The results search is turning up mostly rejections from past years so I have no idea of a timeline. Also it was my only school that required everything by mail so I'm not even sure they got it / are even considering me. This is my dad's and grandparents alma mater so they ask about it even more often.... the next couple of weeks are going to be long ones....
  9. Congrats Erock! Looks like you are gonna have quite the choice to make! Are you still waiting to hear back from many schools?
  10. yayy! congrats! :-) maybe we will be classmates!
  11. Remember "Everybody is Free to Wear Sunscreen"? I keep hearing Baz Lurham's voice in my head... "Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum." PS: occamstoothbrush, i love your name. it makes me smile everytime :-)
  12. I received an email at 3pm with an unofficial acceptance to UVA! I think official notice will come in the mail. It is my first acceptance and today is my birthday so I'm super excited / relieved. UVA is in-state for me and I submitted my app on January 5th. Crossing my fingers for good news for the rest of you lovely people!
  13. You are very kind :-) I believe that things always work out one way or another (even if it's not the way we hoped/planned). I'm just such a planner that the waiting is making me crazy!
  14. I don't have any news from UNC on the website yet either. I'm assuming it's going to be a rejection but I wish they would just post it so I could stop thinking about it! Today has been kind of terrible in general so it would have been nice to just get the rejection out of the way and get to start clean tomorrow. My birthday is in a couple of days... I bet they'll wait to reject me until then ;-)
  15. It looks like UNC might be making acceptance calls right now. Even when I was applying I kind of assumed they would reject me since I'm out of field and still completing pre-reqs so I'm not holding my breath. Good luck to all you other lovely people though! I hope to see lots of good news on this forum!
  16. Congrats! That's so awesome!
  17. This thread and the results page have been open on my computer for days... so I thought I'd stop lurking and say hello :-) I am an RN and watching the speech pathologists in the hospital setting led me down this path! I feel like my GPA and GRE are competitive (GPA 3.91 GRE v162 m154 w4.5) but the nursing thing is kind of a wild card. So, we shall see! I applied (well still working on 2 apps) to 6 schools but I almost had a heart attack today when I got an email from Vanderbilt that said "Status Changed"... but it was just a notification that I didn't make the interview cut for a job I applied for there months ago. Glad I have you all to go crazy with over the next couple of months!
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