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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    Communication / Media Studies PhD

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  1. I'm local to Riverside. As far as housing, if you don't mind a short commute (like 10-15 minutes), you can get less expensive housing in Moreno Valley or Perris. Some in Riverside would say that crime is bad in those cities, but its not a general thing. They are certainly more diverse that Riverside. There are a lot of suburban neighborhoods with tract homes that have very reasonable rents and are safe in both Moreno Valley and Perris. Also Moreno Valley has some newer apartment complexes around the mall area that look nice.
  2. If it were me, I'd pick Iowa. Its a great program and is well established and has great name recognition. The reality is, the better program you come from, the easier it is to get to the top of lists when applying to jobs. (This may not always be the case, but I've been told numerous times by faculty at my school that when they hire its hard to ignore applicants that come from well-known programs.) Even if the faculty at Iowa don't do exactly what you study, there are a lot of great faculty there that can work with you. If you were accepted, it means they have an idea of where your research fits into their program. I know its a rough choice, I've been making a lot of rough choices lately - its so hard to choose! - but in the end, (whether it should or not) the rank and reputation of a program really do matter. And plus, how many times have you thought you'd found your soul mate and ended up being mistaken? You might just find your true (intellectual) love where u least expect it Also, I would tend to think that coming from a comm program would look a bit better than a combined journalism program considering the cultural leaning to your research interests. But I'm not positive about that - just a guess - it may not matter at all.
  3. I attend a state school and am definitely familiar with this. The thing is, when I look at what stipends seem to be at UCSD (and as far as I know this year no one who has been accepted has been given funding specifics yet), they seem pretty average with what's being offered at other programs across the country. What I am concerned about with UCSD is their ability to maintain support and also availability of additional forms of support (conference travel, etc). As I said, just about anywhere you can get around cost of living if you don't insist on living near campus.
  4. Hi! I've also been recently accepted into UCSD's program. I live in California and am currently weighing it against another top program, but I've been warned by quite a few faculty members in my department that UC funding just doesn't cut it. Anyone else heard of these funding limitations as far as UCSD? Oh and as a Californian with family in San Diego - yes cost of living, especially around UCSD is quite high. (worries me too!) I've been told however, that if you are willing to commute (think 15-20 minute drive), you CAN find nice, affordable housing in SD. I guess it depends on if you have a car (hard to not have one in Cali!) and how willing you are to commute.
  5. Has anyone been offered summer funding to attend summer programs this summer prior to starting in Fall? I got a couple offers that included that and I'd never heard of such a thing. They sound really cool, but also it would be nice to enjoy summer... I wonder if most people take them up on this and if I didn't if I'd be behind? Also congrats on all recent acceptances!
  6. I'm currently trying to get my thesis finished - and if I spent half the time writing it that I did on these boards I'd be done! Thanks Allouette for the Self Control App tip - It might just end up being my saving grace!
  7. I've had three acceptances so far: all offered to reimburse for $500 worth of travel expenses to visit. I just kinda figured that was standard. Maybe it is in Communication...not sure.
  8. Sorry to hear that, lots of time left to hear back from your other schools. I'm sure you'll get a great offer!
  9. Hi all, I applied to 10 programs. I've only heard from two, both acceptances. The one I'm most excited about is Mich-Ann Arbor. If you haven't heard yet, I wouldn't worry. I just started hearing back this last week and from what i understand, we've got a few weeks to more than a month before many of the programs start getting back to us. Also, in both cases I was emailed/called personally as notification. Different people are assigned to do this (my most likely advisor in one case) and so just because one faculty member has gotten a hold of someone doesn't mean that another just hasn't gotten around to it yet. Still, of course I'm on constant watch to hear from the others. Good luck all!
  10. Hi all - was thrilled to find this - I'm going a little crazy playing the waiting game, too. Applied to 10 Comm/media studies programs. Had a phone interview with one a few days ago and have yet to hear from them. Got one acceptance yesterday. Good luck everyone!
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