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Everything posted by majolie

  1. Hey guys - did anyone else on here apply to the NYU Anthro Masters program? Im stuck on the wait list and trying to get an idea of how many people got accepted...... I'm skeletal bio track fyi
  2. Hey guys... disappointing news but just want to let whoever applied to NYU know that they have compiled a short list as of today. I received an informal rejection from one of my old professors/letter writers (I was an NYU undergrad) and he mentioned they have just finalized the short list and they are accepting only 4 bio anthro students. There was a total of just under 400 anthropology applications....... Definitely bummed about this one but good luck to those of you who applied!
  3. arglooblaha, i'm bio anthro but i'm in the same boat as you. one rejection, nothing from anywhere else, while also seeing acceptances and interviews for those on the results board. you're not alone! hang in there with me
  4. kro7: thanks for the input! What's the consensus about emailing POIs at this point? I've read some people have sent emails reiterating their interest in the program and things like that. I wonder if this is extraneous and extremely annoying to the faculty or productive...
  5. Just wondering about any back up plans you guys might have.... since I haven't heard any news at all from where I've applied (GWU Hominid Paleo, Duke Evolutionary Anthro, Harvard HEB, NYU, CUNY, AMNH, Stony Brook, Rutgers Evolutionary Anthro). What are your back up plans if you get no acceptances (something I'm trying to prepare myself for)? Masters programs? Are you waiting to apply to those until ~March or have you already? Looking back I probably should have applied to a lot of masters programs as a backup. I requested NYU consider my app for their Skeletal Bio program if denied from the phd. Any suggestions for good bio anthro masters programs whose application deadlines haven't already passed?
  6. Hi guys! I'm new to gradcafe and after weeks of stalking these threads but trying not to I have given in. I'm going for bio anthro and have only heard back from one school so far (Hopkins, functional anatomy and evolution - it was a no ) and still have heard nothing at all from everywhere else. Noticing other people are hearing and getting interviews is definitely making me nervous.... has anyone heard back from Duke that applied to Evo Anthro? This waiting process is a killer.
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