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Everything posted by lunita

  1. I changed it to match my gradcafe username, so it's Lunita. I look forward to seeing you on there!
  2. I have no idea, it's been going on for awhile.
  3. If you're like me, and practicing a new language like crazy, checkout this groupon for LiveMocha. http://www.groupon.com/deals/livemocha-42-providence It is a great program! I've been using it for 2 days, and I love it!
  4. Swiss Update: someone I'm in contact with called the IIE. Response was, "Unfortunately we will not be in a position to inform Swiss applicants until mid-May of the outcome. If anything changes in the interim we will let applicants know."
  5. Nope, no idea! It seemed that way to me as well, and so I just took a look at the Google Doc. Program-wise (versus volume of number of participants per program), there still remains 10 out of 16 Google-Doc-Reported programs for Western Europe. We only have a record of Austria, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and UK reporting awards. We're still waiting on Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and Turkey!
  6. We're likely more than halfway, as not all of the Recommended candidates have reported yet for some of the countries. Edit: If I take into account the entries that need an update, we have only 38% of recommended still waiting to hear.
  7. Well, we are halfway! Of the 253 that recorded their Recommended status, 126 have yet to report a change in status, and 127 have reported as accepted, rejected, or alternate. So, according to the data in the Google doc, less than 126 of us are still waiting. It's great to see progress! Edit: And our current acceptance rate so far for the forum and google doc participants is 57% (88/154).
  8. Yea, maybe you can reframe the way you think about it. You can decide that you don't want to unnecessarily burden them with too much information. Why have them worry about having to hire another person for 4 months? Better just to tell them what they need to know when they need to know it. Ignorance is bliss afterall. This one office I go to from time to time is a giant rumourmill. It cracks me up because I know one person who admitted to me that they enjoy spreading rumors for fun . I thought it was totally demonic at the time. Now I know who not to trust. It made me laugh, because it's not a bad rumor, but it was ridiculous. Anybody watch Game of Thrones? I love that show , it's taught me a lot about politics.
  9. Yea, you should only tell coworkers things that you won't mind others knowing. I work for a big company (20,000 employees) and since I'm proud about Fulbright, and I know it will help me in my career, I don't mind if anybody knows. My research is directly related with the work I do now, and I see it as an opportunity to be more competitive when I come back. My supervisors are supportive (even though one told me that he wishes I could do it and stay, lol). The other supervisor is younger and much more supportive of me taking opportunities as they are available. The only risk for me is that if a hiring manager knows I'm leaving, I believe they could hesitate to promote me. But, since I wouldn't take a promotion if I know I would be leaving in a few months, it doesn't really matter. I hope I find out soon! Right now I'm positioning myself for a promotion as a backup, and I'm starting to really like my job, so I have tons of mixed feelings about it all. Fulbright really is a once in a lifetime opportunity, but I don't want to miss out on another opportunity for growth just because I'm in limbo! By the way, the people I have told, I was completely comfortable telling. It just felt sad to keep it to myself! Especially when my supervisor asks me where I see myself in 5 years, lol.
  10. My direct supervisor already knew, I told them about it in January, when they revealed the results of my annual review. That supervisor got promoted, and my new supervisor as of February has been a friend, so I told him too, as it came up in conversation about any plans for the future. A few other coworkers know, and everyone has been rather trustworthy, because I haven't gotten any random people asking about it (unlike other rumours, like yesterday when I had a coworker congratulate me for my engagement...I'm not engaged, not even close, lol). I actually inquired back in December or January with a senior manager in another department about a position that will be opening up in a couple months. I spoke with him yesterday about the position (now I know there will be three positions opening up), and I didn't mention Fulbrigh, because this is my backup plan if I don't get it, and there is no reason to worry him with a may or may not happen scenario. I'm comfortable with my direct supervisors knowing because the project team we are on is wrapping up anyway, so we'll all eventually go into another role in the company the end of 2013 or mid-2014. What kind of role do you have at your work?
  11. Lol, congrats to the Germany ETAs for exiting purgatory! That happened so fast, right before my eyes. I tried to restore the Google doc to April 2, 7:35am PT, but then the server timed out. After 7:35am PT some dates go missing. Looks like it worked though. Congrats again Germany ETAs.
  12. Looks like anonymous person restored previous version. Thanks!
  13. Yes, there are a lot of dates missing.
  14. Congrats to all the German applicants! Yay! I love watching that Google Doc fill up!
  15. Another Swiss applicant! Welcome! I'm also in Chicago. There are two other Swiss on this forum that I've met. I'm happy to know of another!
  16. I saw from the Google Doc that the Slavic Republic made their announcement today.
  17. You are being overly obsessive and irrational. Your welcome. ;-). No, seriously though, you could be right, you could be wrong, but it's still out of your control. Chammomile tea might be great for you right now. I hope it works out!
  18. So, I wrote everyone a poem. lol ;-) O Fulbright, dear William, why have you forsaken me? Here I wait, and my email is like a swallowed bait on purpose laid to make me mad. Mad, in pursuit, and in possession so, Had, having, and in quest to have extreme, a bliss in proof, but proved a very woe. Before, a joy proposed, behind a dream. All this the world well knows, yet none knows well To shun the heaven that leads men (and women) to this hell. Okay, so its mostly Shakespeare, the sonnet I memorized just took over, and I was surprised how part of it fit the email addiction. It ended a little darker than I expected, I planned to write a satire of the waiting experience, so it's more of a melo-dramatic satire, but I wanted to share!
  19. Thanks, I'm reading it now!
  20. Lol, ever since I learned that Georgia is a country, I always take an extra second to consider if it would be the state or the country. Don't worry, I figure you're from the state. I do the same step when my South American friends talk about guerillas. I don't want to offend them by thinking they must automatically be talking about guerillas, so I take a second to consider if they might actually be talking about gorillas.
  21. Did you just google for them? I'd love to find a blog from a Fulbright living in Switzerland.
  22. Sorry to hear that! You made it to the Final round, so that means that you did very well! Keep us updated with what you'll do instead, and if you will reapply next year.
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