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Posts posted by hobochic15

  1. I just checked the results, and it looks like a clinical applicant has been contacted by the University of Western Ontario. Just wondering if anyone has heard anything from them. Their interview day isn't too far away, so invitations should be going out soon...


  2. Having interview weekend during SPSP is just plain stupid and I can't imagine they're doing that. Most of the profs should be at SPSP too! Is that date actually confirmed by somebody? Otherwise I'd just wait and see.


    Last year the UBC interviews were right after SPSP. I don't think they will schedule them for that week. 

    Interview invites from UBC should be going out around January 26th. You will hear directly from your POI. 

    Hopefully this info is handy.

  3. Just heard I've been short-listed for SFU (Yay!). Doesn't sound like they're flying people out. It's too bad, since I would love to see the campus. UBC typically flies prospective students out, but I don't think that it's a common practice. 


    Also heard from UVic (Double Yay!). Doesn't sound like they're flying people out either. I was given the option of a Skype interview or an in-person interview.  If you haven't heard yet, not to worry. My POI said that they're putting forth names at their meeting on the 14th, and formal invites would be going out some time after that.


    Best of luck everyone. 

  4. What are an applicant's odds for acceptance when a program offers to pay for airfare and hotel stay during interview weekend? Do people often get rejected post-interview from that kind of offer? 


    I would imagine that a program is pretty interested in an applicant if they're willing to spend money, but perhaps this is naive? 


    I'm not sure about other universities or programs, but I was invited to an interview last application season where the university paid for the flight and the accommodation as well as food and activities and such. My POI at that university invited me and one other potential student. After the interview weekend, we both were offered a spot at that university. 

    I'd say that it's always a good sign if the university is offering to pay your way there- it seemed to me that the individuals invited were primarily there for sanity checks and so that the university could, in fact, recruit us. 

    Hopefully this info is useful. Best of luck, and congrats!

  5. Late LORs from profs: not a big deal? dealbreaker?


    Late LORs are a dealbreaker for certain universities. Also, I had a graduate secretary tell me last year that it's the applicant's responsibility to ensure that their referee has that reference submitted on time. 

    For some universities, it's not a big problem as long as your materials are submitted on time, but I would definitely check with the university if you think one of your referees is going to be late submitting and see it it's going to cause problems. 

  6. I thought that it might be helpful to share another perspective on the whole interview thing. When I applied last year, I was invited to an "interview weekend" at my top choice university. I was very nervous, and tried to come up with great answers to the hard questions I assumed they would ask. In fact, I looked over the list of potential questions that was complied last year, which PsychGirl1 has posted above. These were very helpful, and I felt far more prepared. However, the interview weekend was actually extremely relaxing. There was never a formal interview. My PI took me and another potential grad student of his out for lunch and asked us about ourselves, but most of those questions were completely psych irrelevant (e.g., what's your favourite type of cuisine). I spent the rest of the weekend sight-seeing, meeting graduate students and faculty, and attending dinner parties. Anyways, I think the point that I'm trying to make is that not all interviews are what you're expecting, and you have to go with the flow. I think that there's certainly a benefit to preparing some answers to the very difficult questions (e.g., what are your greatest weaknesses), but in the end I think that it's more important to have an open mind and to be friendly and genuinely excited about the opportunity rather than nervous.

    Note: I was accepted to at that university, but I declined the offer because I found the program and the PI were not a good fit for me.

  7. Hi everyone,


    Just reading through here and I wanted to say how relieved I am that I'm not the only one having trouble with the whole reference letter process. Two out of three of my referees are amazing (they even sent me quick e-mails after each of their references were submitted just to let me know), but one is just being horrible. 


    I was getting nervous about the December 1st deadline at one of my universities about three weeks ago so I e-mailed him to check and see whether everything was aright, and to see if he'd gotten the links and everything. He kept saying yes, but still no references. Last week I visited him once during office hours, then I e-mailed him to confirm that he knew December 1st was doomsday. When he didn't respond, I e-mailed him again to see if he'd even gotten the previous e-mail. Again "yes, it'll get done."


    Well, December first rolls around and still nothing was submitted. I checked the application and it had a big red sign next to his name with "Invitation not accepted" and it said that the application had already been forwarded for review. I sent him a rather snippy e-mail asking him to write the letters as soon as humanly possible, then I cried for like 6 hours since I assumed that that particular application would be thrown out.


    Thankfully, I called this university today, and unlike other schools, they don't need the references to be submitted by the application deadline, so they said it'll be fine. 


    Eyes are still swollen, I'm still pissed off at this professor (I was daydreaming about kicking him in the shin), but my application is safe. 


    Hope you're all having a great week, and best of luck with any applications you're still working on. Cheers.

  8. Just heard something from U Ottawa- I had e-mailed the admin assistant for the department to see what was shaking (asked advice about contacting POIs) and this is what I got back. The e-mail just said "Please note the evaluation committee will not be sending responses by the end of March"

    I'm finding that somewhat annoying. April is a long way off, and I have other offers on the table that I need to evaluate after I have all the information available to me...

    I think I will soon e-mail POIs to check and see whether they're even considering my application. 

    Just a heads up about that.

  9. Thanks for the news. will you be accepting it?

    I'm still not sure. I'm still waiting to hear back from a couple other Universities, and I really want to make sure that my POI at UBC's research interests are a good match for me, and that I would be happy there. I've been having epic debates with myself about it...

  10. so if we werent invited to that thing early in the month we're out of the competition?


    I don't think you're out just yet if you didn't attend the recruitment weekend. A number of the recruits had received a lot of other offers (many of them were from the states and had been accepted into awesome programs there). UBC POIs are waiting to see which other universities their prospective grad students get into in order to determine whether they will need to make offers to other students. 

    My POI there told me to let him know the second I decided whether or not I'd be attending so he could find another student ASAP.

  11. The rejection came from a formal rejection email. Sent, let's see Queen's was sent on the 6th Feb, Waterloo on the 15th of Feb just to give you an idea. 


    Thanks for the help. Yeah, I still haven't heard anything from Waterloo- pretty sure I would much rather just get a decisions so I can figure out my life. 

    And as for Ottawa, I'm glad to hear that there's a bunch of us out there who still hold out hope. 

    I gave up on McGill almost as soon as I sent my application so I'm not expecting anything spectacular at all in that department.

    Wishing everyone the best.

    Let us know what's going on when you hear back.

  12. Just a quick question-



    Deep inside, i'm hoping that this news about uOttawa is wrong. I really don't want to move out of the city, but if I have to then I will. Here's to maybe hearing from a prof this week??? :S

    I received two rejection emails from Waterloo and Queens.

    Did the rejection email from Waterloo come directly from your POI, or was it a formal rejection email?

    I'm just dying to hear some concrete news from Waterloo, Ottawa and McGill. 

  13. Sorry, I didn't realize my initial post was misleading. For them to have given their first choices on Feb 15, I am assuming they already interviewed the applicants they were interested in. I don't think they can rank their choices without having interviewed them.

    Bummer about Ottawa then.

    I'm having a difficult time gauging what's going on at Canadian schools based on the results section- it seems like there aren't very many Canadian applicants posting acceptances/rejections. 

    Has anyone heard from Waterloo's clinical program? One entry in the results says that they were rejected "and if you haven't received an admit yet you probably won't"- but there's only three postings about Clinical psych on there... I've e-mailed my POI and I'm waiting to hear back. In the mean time, if you've heard from Waterloo please let me know.

  14. So glad I took the time to read through all these posts. I got my first rejection about a week ago from one of my top two schools. I've been accepted into two programs at my other top school, but not the program I want. Now I'm dying to know the decisions of the other places I've applied to so I can know whether or not I can even get into the program I want. If yes, then game on. If no, then I have some important decisions to make regarding this other school that has accepted me into two programs (SP and health) that are not my ideal. Just throwing it out there- what would you guys suggest? 

    I thought I wouldn't have a problem waiting, but obviously I do. And my longtime boyfriend will be moving with me wherever I end up going, so the uncertainty is driving both of us insane. 

    On a side note, I'm glad I'm not the only one stress eating like crazy. Fact: I bought a box of "oreo cakesters" two days ago and they are now gone. My little brother was far from impressed. 

  15. so which one is it???

    I'm seconding this sentiment.

    Anyone with info that could help to illuminate the reason for this discrepancy..?


    Also torontoclinical, I also applied to McGill and haven't heard anything back yet. 

  16. Just wanted to add that I had an interesting conversation with a POI where he asked me about obscure events/ historical figures etc. just to see if I would claim to know about them when I in fact did not. I'm not sure whether this has ever happened to anyone else... Anyways, never pretend to know more than you do- it's much better to admit that you are uncertain about something than to get caught in a lie. Be honest and then steer the conversation back to something you DO know about. 

  17. I had two admissions without interviews, but they were both in Canada.

    I take it this was last year or a couple years ago..?

    If you don't mind me asking, which schools offered you acceptance without interviews, and approximately when? 

    I've applied to multiple Canadian schools and I'm concerned that I've only heard back from one about interviews...

    I know most Canadian schools take much longer than their American counterparts to offer acceptances, but I'm getting antsy. 

  18. The waiting game does suck!!! Did you apply to the clinical psychology program? 


    Also, did you get invited to attend? How does one go about checking out schools? I have been thinking of going down to Ottawa, but I was waiting for a possible interview. 


    Also, any suggestions on interview in person or interview over the phone?

    I attended a recruitment weekend at this University, which I think happens when one is pretty much accepted and they just want to make sure you're not a homicidal maniac or something. I applied for two programs- Clinical and Social/Personality at this particular university. The faculty member that invited me to attend was from the SP program. Long story short, I went in thinking that I would enjoy either program, but discovered that SP isn't really what I wanted to do (plus the Psychology department at this university was NOT what I was expecting and there were some unpleasant surprises about certain faculty members I was keen to work with). 

    In terms of the other universities I applied to (Ottawa, Waterloo, McGill), if I am accepted I will absolutely make sure to arrange a visit to the school before I accept their offer. Since it's a long trip for me to go visit those other schools I would wait until I heard something positive from them before arranging to go. If you're closer however, it couldn't hurt to go down and check out the campus and shoot your POI an e-mail just asking them if they'd have a few minutes to talk to you about the university and the program. 

    As for interview tips and tricks the only suggestion I have is to make sure you've read recent articles written by your POI and that you can comment on them and how their research can relate to your interests. But I'm sure you're heard that many times before haha. 

    If you don't mind, could you PM me about who you'd like as an advisor at U Ottawa?

    Best of luck with everything!

  19. I've applied to 1 university - University of Ottawa for Clinical Psychology. Deadline Dec 15. Also I am an undergraduate. 


    I have not heard anything yet - -- 

    I also applied to the Clinical Program at U Ottawa, from the results search it looks like they take a while to make decisions. 

    The waiting game sucks- hopefully everything goes well for you :)


    A word of advice for all who may be interested, I just visited my top choice school and and got accepted. I discovered, to my dismay, that it was nothing like I expected and certain faculty members were "not easy to work with" to say the least. If I had simply gotten an acceptance letter or e-mail I likely would have accepted without giving it too much thought, now I'm fairly certain I will not be attending. If at all possible check out the schools! You never know what you might find. 

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