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Everything posted by Carlinoncampus

  1. Do you (or anyone here) have any idea how funded CIR offers might interact with the waitlist? Like, being on the latter shouldn't disqualify one from receiving the former right? (indeed, I'd think it more likely they'd give that offer to someone they waitlisted, but I'm just curious as to whether the wait for a decision re: waitlist might take so long that they don't have any funded CIR offers left or something). Just hoping to keep all options open given the somewhat lackluster results I've gotten this cycle. On that subject, to the faculty that have been so wonderful as to post on this forum, how do waitlists tend to work in the political science field? Is getting off them relatively common or a once in a blue moon occurrence? And what separates an accepted candidate from a waitlisted one? This is particularly important for my nerves (and I'm sure the nerves of many others) right now given that I have waitlists from the programs I most want to attend.
  2. Any U Chicago admits thinking of turning them down?
  3. That's plausible (I myself can't remember if I said yes to the MA question, though I remember I considered it)... but I was also under the impression that they made the decisions independently. As in, you get the official decision from the PhD program (which in this case would be a rejection) and then later the decision from the MA program. I could be wrong of course... did anyone who received bad news ask to be considered for the MA?
  4. In the same boat as you hopefullyphd
  5. Congrats upam! Did you by any chance get a sense of if they are going to let all their admits know via interspersed e-mails or follow their previous MO of notifying most through the website?
  6. Also, Stanford admit sub-fields?
  7. Question for people hearing from specific profs: in your SOPs, were they the primary/only professor you discussed or one from a pool of 2-3 you mentioned being very interested in?
  8. To the Cornell acceptances, two things: First, congratulations! Second, any idea if this was a blast or a personal e-mail?
  9. Long time lurker, just got waitlisted at Chicago. Does anybody know how often it happens that one gets off the waitlist?
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