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Everything posted by gweaver

  1. Hey all! I had to email to change the email address on my app, and also asked them when we'd hear. I'd heard second-hand that they were a bit backed up, but this confirmed it: "We are currently still reviewing applications and will continue with this process through next week. Applicants should receive an email containing their acceptance status sometime in mid-April." Good luck to all!
  2. Thanks a ton! good luck with err'thang!
  3. hey! sorry saw your message but I have a terrible wireless connection at my studio. I heard through email, it was really informal, sent from Margo's iphone, just a heads up about acceptance, more info to come later kind of thing. I wouldn't give up hope if I were you! The email was so unofficial... I'm sure you still have a shot. I really like your work!
  4. haha, i am sure that is me! goweaver.tumblr.com do you have work up?
  5. YES! This is where I'm at. Avec Saltz in back of mind. Always. Waiting for Tyler to make their offer, and it is going to be hard to turn down two offers of full funding. It's not as though any of us will graduate into a $100K a year job... Damn my pals that are going to law school/med school. But I loved Tyler. So torn. Have not even visited VCU yet. And I liked Cornell too, it was just different. I need a therapist. The ups and downs of this process have been so crazy... probably vulnerable to heart failure, so much anxiety, ha ha ha.
  6. CONGRATS! That's amazing news. Nice to have that in your pocket going into the Columbia interview... Good luck! Making the final decision is going to be so hard...
  7. Accepted at Tyler! No word on funding until next week. Ahh! Had totally given up, as it'd been 1.5 weeks since my interview and the other schools were so speedy in deciding. So don't give up hope people! Decision time....
  8. Accepted to Cornell w/full funding + TA + stipend, sounds pretty similar to VCU deal... More info on Monday I guess. Decision time! Anyone have any thoughts re: VCU vs. Cornell for MFA Painting? And has anyone who interviewed at Tyler for Painting heard back? Getting worried, given the quick turnaround for the other two interviews... Congrats to all on acceptances! Hurray!
  9. Wow, thank you for all of this advice! So generous of you. I had my interview yesterday, and it was intimidating, but actually a lot of fun. I had to speak for 15-20 mins uninterrupted, sitting next to a projection of my work, in front of 20+ people. The questions were great and so was the tour/lunch with grad students. The format was SO MUCH more intimidating than my other interviews, but everyone was so nice, which made up for it. Sounds like they are doing the final review on Friday and then calling us with final decisions. Scary. Good luck! Maybe we will be classmates
  10. Hi all! Just interviewed at Tyler. Really loved visiting, but don't want to get my hopes up too much. Thought it went well, but who knows. So... Has anyone interviewed at Cornell? The description of the interview process is making me nervous: "The interview consists of about 20 minutes for you to present your work, and a 20-25 minute period to discuss your work with faculty and current MFA students. Our plan is for this process to be relaxed and a casual exchange..." Anyone have any experience with this sort of interview format? Or interviewing specifically at Cornell? I'm so much more comfortable in a Q&A setting... this scares me! Best of luck to you all, exciting to see the acceptances coming in
  11. Yes, assuming rejection too. Skowhegan doesn't seem impossible. Just tough. Did you (or anyone else?) apply to the Vermont Studio Center? I live in Vermont, and have known a lot of people who've gotten in. Pretty good aid , plus "work-study"-ish opportunities available. Feb 15th deadline is past, but I'm sure there is another one coming up.... NURTUREart app is due tomorrow as well: http://nurtureart.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/opencallmaterials/Artist_AppliPack2013_14.pdf
  12. Digging around, I could not find any specific dates. Irritating. I seem to remember it was late March, or maybe even April? I think it came up when I finished the application on their website, but it wasn't in any of the confirmation emails. I'm not too optimistic about Skowhegan, I have friends that have applied 5+ times, and I've heard one's chances the first time around (as in my case) are slim. But worth a try. I'd die of happiness. Looks like people are hearing from Columbia, but has anyone been asked specifically for Painting? Bengston?
  13. Thanks . Trying not to reserve too much hope for Columbia, but it's hard not to. And really scared for the in-person interviews, they seem so much more high stakes! Sorry to hear about Bard, their loss. Your work is exciting. Maybe we'll both end up at Columbia! Re:VCU: I was pretty light-hearted and joke-y in the VCU skype interview, and I think it helped... hoping to carry that over to the next 2 (or 3?). They asked the typical questions (tell us a little about your work, where do you place it in art history, where in contemporary painting, what is the role of painting in contemp culture, etc...), plus "what 3 people (living or dead) do you invite to dinner, what do you serve?" ha! On the phone they said that they were only taking 6 painting MFA students this year, all with the same financial aid package, but no promise of exactly what will be offered for the second year. Like most schools (I think) we have to notify by April 15th or something. DECISIONS! Does anyone know ANYTHING about Columbia? When they notified last year or whatnot? I hate the suspense.
  14. Accepted for MFA painting at VCU for the fall. Full tuition paid, plus $10,000 stipend and teaching assistantship. Just had my interview on the 18th, couldn't believe the quick turnaround! Hurray! Anyone else? Still awaiting interviews at Tyler and Cornell, and haven't heard a peep out of Columbia. Glad to know I will be going somewhere!!!!!
  15. Oooh wow, your work is great. Not surprised that you got the interview from Yale. Good luck! I am travelling to Tyler and Cornell. They both said that it was recommended but not required. I think it makes a better impression to travel there if one can... and if I get in, I'd visit anyways, I didn't visit any schools before applying! I live in Vermont, so neither is too far. VCU only gave me the opportunity to do Skype or phone, so I am doing Skype. You travelling to Yale?
  16. Yes, indeed. Wish Columbia would hurry up a bit... keep getting these irritating "Congratulations, you've applied!" and "FAFSA is due" emails in my inbox. Have you interviewed for Yale yet? If so, how'd it go? Glad I got that rejection out of the way early, congrats to you! And good luck! Do you have any work online?
  17. Just got an email from Cornell as a finalist for the MFA program, to set up an interview!!! Anybody else?
  18. Awesome! Thank you! I am traveling to Philly for my interview, but I'm sure the questions will be similar. Good luck, I hope you get in! I'm getting more and more excited, the more I read about the program.
  19. How was your interview for Tyler? I am curious to hear what they ask, if there was anything unexpected. Hope it went well for you. I have an interview with them for MFA Painting on March 3rd, getting nervous about it. Thanks!
  20. I thought it was Jan 7th? from the website: "The application deadline is January 7 of the year in which you wish to enter." http://aap.cornell.edu/art/admissions/grad-admissions.cfm
  21. Thanks! Good to know I guess, however painful... Ugh! Guess I'd better direct my nerves at the FAFSA....
  22. Any word yet from Cornell or Columbia? Noticed that something changed today on my Application Status page for Columbia - my transcript now reads as "Received," meaning apparently that they have reviewed my application. Yikes! Starting to freak out....
  23. Rejected from Yale, so 2/5 at this point! Or 2/3 that I've heard from. Glad to get the bad news first. Dreading Columbia and Cornell's notifications.... ArsenicYellow- I was notified via email. Glad I joined the forum after weeks of lurking. Really grateful for the moral support. Good luck to everyone!
  24. Hey everybody! Notified this morning about an interview for painting at VCU! Anyone else? Also - is there anyone out there who has interviewed at Tyler or VCU before? Any ideas about how they do interviews would be much appreciated! Yay!
  25. I know BU's deadline is Feb 15th, not sure of any others.
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