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About Eastside21

  • Birthday 09/21/1992

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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Political Communication

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. What do you mean when you say run down? From what I can tell, both places you listed were pretty close in regards to location to the other two, so I'm assuming that's a pretty good area for students in general. I'll be bringing a car with me, so as long as it's a 10-15 minute drive I should be more than happy. Problem is, I'm just not able to pay $1000+ per month plus utilities, my stipend isn't that fantastic and I'd be more comfortable spending between $750-900/mo.
  2. Finally made the incredibly difficult decision to commit to LSU today! Some general questions for the folks from around the area: 1. I am, admittedly, a huge sports fan. I know that at some other schools, getting student season tickets can prove tricky, especially for graduate students. Any tips/tricks on how to sit closest and guarantee that you'll be at the games next year? I'm especially interested in the kickoff game in Houston, hoping to register for classes soon enough to sign up for the ticket system and request a ticket for the game. 2. I have also been apartment hunting. Through my own searches and this thread's recommendations, I've considered both A) Place Du Plantier (http://www.placeduplantier.com/) and B ) Highland Plantation (http://highlandplantationapartmentsbatonrouge.com/) - from what I've read, this seems to be a nice undergrad free area away far enough away from campus to separate yourself, but close enough for an easy commute. Are there any recommendations as to these types of properties either around this area or in the Town Center area? I'm looking specifically for a studio/1 BR and I'm looking to spend between $700-800 per month or less. So excited to join the LSU family! Geaux Tigers!
  3. It's a risk, but I think that the odds should be in your favor...you have to realize that most students will wait until the 15th to make a decision and you won't hear back from the program until students with funded offers decline. I was on a funding waitlist near the top and got an offer the next day - it just depends on how much you'd like to take the risk. Worst case scenario, you defer admission and re-apply for funding next year? Not sure what your financial situation is though...
  4. As much as your mentors may not like what you ultimately decide to do, it is your choices and your career. If you'd like to continue working at Google, I see no harm in exploring any option that allows you to maintain your employment and graduate school plans. I think the path of least resistance is to be completely honest - tell the advisor your work is on a contract and that you'd like to complete it before entering. Needless to say, if the advisor is being difficult about it, perhaps it isn't the best fit? If it wasn't your first choice anyways, there's always the option to apply to different programs next year when it isn't an issue and spend your time not only working, but making small improvements to the application. Best of luck!
  5. Decisions, decisions...who would have thought it would be this difficult?

  6. Hey folks - with the April 15th decision deadline looming, I'm currently considering three offers for graduate study next fall: Offer A: University of Oklahoma - Academic research-based program, full funding, meh visit (bad location/meh campus) Offer B: American University - Touted professional program, 1/4 funding, good visit (good location/meh campus) Offer C: Louisiana State University - Professional-leaning program, full funding, no visit (impressed with program and faculty so far) Because I am currently looking more towards a professional program, my thinking has went down to between B and C. I plan to study political communication at the master's level, but am unsure whether or not I would like to take an offer with very little funding based solely on being in DC and quality of program. I'm leaning towards taking option C, with a less advantageous location but I program I like very much. Problem is, I will not be able to visit this school and get a great feel for campus/student life or gauge relationships with potential faculty mentors/thesis chairs. Has anyone else had similar issues? How did you resolve the problem? Any thoughts appreciated!
  7. Cue all the UW-Madison rejections...I stand amongst them
  8. Just got another call from Oklahoma to tell me that I now am being offered an assistantship! Expecting an official letter next week, she said she could e-mail it Monday. Finally funded! Time to get some meaningful sleep lol
  9. Thanks! I don't think it was anything official, as she didn't attach anything other than the itinerary to the visit weekend in the e-mail.
  10. Just received word that I was accepted to University of Oklahoma! Apparently they were only able to give 6 assistantships this cycle, but I am likely to receive funding as I'm high on the waitlist. They also are inviting me to their recruitment weekend, covering up to $300 of expenses! So happy to have good news finally!
  11. Nothing like a fresh rejection to start off your week...

    1. doingthings


      Let's hope it's followed by an acceptance.

  12. Just got Denied from UT-Austin (Comm Studies) - In all honesty, wasn't a great fit for me, but a good program nonetheless.
  13. Congrats! I haven't received an e-mail yet...cue panic
  14. For those waiting on UT-Austin Comm Studies MA, the grad coordinator I spoke to yesterday said that the committee was meeting this Friday and that decisions were most likely to be posted on Monday or Tuesday. It seems like all of the programs that I've applied to are all waiting for that Mid-late February mark (or in Penn State's case, definitely March) for their announcements...the waiting continues.
  15. Seriously about to check Spam folder for decisions info...please God, make it stop!

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