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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    Communication and Culture PhD

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  1. Congratulations, frankdeg! I'll see you then!! Have a great summer!
  2. Thank you! That is what I've heard as well!
  3. Okay guys, I got into Ryerson's PhD! I can't believe it! Found out last night.
  4. WalterBenjamin, thank you so much for posting this! All that information about Ryerson's opportunities is VERY reassuring! I noticed you were in a similar situation last year. Did you get into the program? Are you liking it? I emailed Professor Moore and he said he would get in touch with me after their meeting if they can offer me admission... Yikes!
  5. April, sorry for not providing more helpful tips. I wish I had some! Loren's suggestions sound great and I will follow them if I reapply if I don't get in this year. Loren, I found out in an email from the program administrator. (I had called last week and left a message inquiring about how things were moving along.)
  6. I just found out I did not get into York's PhD. They asked if I'd like them to send my file over for review for admission through Ryerson and I said yes. We'll see. I know the funding for PhDs at Ryeron isn't great and I'm not sure there's room for me now at this point in the admission cycle. Just wanted to update.
  7. Okay, that sounds good, I think. I can't believe we have to wait another week (at least) though! Thanks for letting us know what she said! Fingers crossed. I really hope we both get in!
  8. Okay, I just called the GPD at York and left her a message asking how admissions are moving along and whereabouts on the wait list I am. Hope she replies! I wasn't sure I should call her since just last week she replied with that update, but like Loren said, a PhD is a big commitment.
  9. Aprilfool, I'm so sorry to hear that. I think you should definitely reapply for next year. My understanding for these grad programs is that having a strong supplementary application can really help and that the prior GPA isn't as crucial in the admissions decision for these degrees. I think a strong research proposal can go a long way! That being said, I have not gotten in (yet???). Definitely consider asking the program director if there is anything you can improve in your application next time. Again, I'm really sorry to hear this news! At least now you know and can carry on.
  10. Loren, I also didn't get into my MA (a few years ago) until June or July!!
  11. Loren, I hear you. I think it's affecting me more than I thought. I'm tempted to email the GPD again, but there's no point at this point. She said if they decide to offer me admission, she'll get in touch directly. So, I just have no choice to wait longer, I guess. Sigh. If it's any consolation, the GPD at York took a long time to reply to my email. I emailed her on a Friday morning, called on the Tuesday morning and then she replied (via email) early Wed morning.
  12. Frankdeg, I don't see why you couldn't accept Carleton and then back out when/if you hear from Ryerson. You might lose a deposit, if they require that upon acceptance, but they can't force you to go! Then again, if Ryerson said you're in, you're in (even if you haven't received their package yet)! I would accept Carleton and then back out if I heard from my top choice (i.e. Ryerson in this case for you). I'm sure this happens all the time!!
  13. That's exciting news, Frankdeg!! Definitely let us know what you decide! Loren, keep us posted on what Professor Mazepa says! Aprilfool, I'd probably email or call the department if I were you, being overseas and all. Just for good measure!
  14. Frankdeg, that sounds promising! Fingers crossed for you! Loren, I emailed the GPD (Professor Mazepa) and then several days later, called her since I hadn't received a response. I ended up leaving voicemail. In my email I said that the program administrator had told me they had already had their PhD admissions meeting and that I should get in touch with her to find out the status of my application. In my voicemail, I pretty much said the same thing, however, I said I was wondering if she would be able to tell me when I should expect to hear from them with a decision. She ended up emailing me the next morning. I wish she had told me that acceptance was possible and likely! Instead, she gave me a professional response (which is good), suggesting "it would be prudent" for me to accept another offer with funding if I've been given one. I know I've said this already, but can't get that out of my head! Sigh. Loren, did you apply to York's PhD? I can't remember... It would be so nice if we both ended up getting in after all this!
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