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Posts posted by SQglobal

  1. Program/ Institution: Hong Kong University (Master of International and Public Affairs), National Chengchi University Taipei (Masters in International Studies of Masters in Asia-Pacific Studies), National University of Singapore (Masters in International Affairs). Any other decent IR programs in the region that would be worth considering?

    Undergrad Institution: Well-regarded US private university

    Undergraduate Major: B.A International Business Management, Minor in Marketing

    Undergraduate GPA: 3.95, Summa cum Laude (4.0 scale)

    Quantitative Course:   Microecon (A) Macroecon (A) Statistics (A) Calc (A), all undergrad

    GRE: Have not taken yet. GRE is an optional requirement at 2 of the aforementioned universities. Uncertain how having or not having this would impact my application.

    Age: ~25

    Years of Work Experience: I have worked in a business operations capacity in the high-tech sector for 5 years full-time. 3 years of this were spent at a rapidly-growing startup, and the past 2 years were spent at a blue chip, globally renowned tech firm. Both of my roles were global in nature, and the past 2 years I have spent based at our regional headquarters in Asia. I intend on continuing to live and work in Asia for several more years, and hope to keep a focus on the Asia-Pacific region for the rest of my professional career.

    Languages: Native English, beginner-intermediate Mandarin (continuously taking classes)

    LORs:  1 from University president, 2 from previous International Affairs / Business professors, 1 from VP at previous employer

    Concerns: I will be taking 1 year off (starting in a few months) before applying to grad schools late this year and early next year. During that time, I will be taking Mandarin classes full-time, building a travel / international relations-related company that I've been working on as a side project for some time, and publishing a couple of books on Amazon (these will be directly related to international relations and the field I'll be pursuing in grad school). I will also be traveling throughout the Asia-Pacific region, while building my writing and research portfolio. I also plan on visiting each of these campuses and meeting with the admissions staff in person before applying.

    My concern - will taking a year "off" of work before applying to grad school negatively impact my chances of admission, giving how I'll be using my time over the next year?

  2. Figured I'd chime in on the conversation to give JLB some company as a Korea ETA candidate. Hoping for the best for everyone here.




    I was hoping there'd be some out there...good to have some company! Best of luck to you and all of the other finalists!

  3. It's possible that this question has been asked before, but just thought I would ask - does anyone know if IIE can confirm receipt of our transcripts? I'm applying for an ETA in South Korea, and called yesterday but was told only that we would be notified if our transcripts were missing. Maybe I'm just OCD, however I was hoping to confirm that they had arrived sooner than later.

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