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Everything posted by jeffmooo

  1. Just got my rejection today via email.. Here's an excerpt: As many people ask, the average sores for this year’s admitted applicants are provided below: GPA 3.86 GRE %iles Verbal: 72nd Quantitative: 59th Analytical: 69th So I'm a little bummed about the rejection since I exceed all of those stats but I just hope that others were fortunate enough to accepted off of the wait list, especially if they had few or no other options.. But I'm still extremely happy that I will be going to my #1 choice, CSULA They also stated that there 39 openings for the program..
  2. The Alhambra/Monterey Park area can offer up affordable and decent apartments if you look around. It's 10 min away from CSULA and 20-25min away from USC! Lots of excellent Asian food in the area too, if that's your gustatory preference (I know it's mine!). The key thing about that area (or the San Gabriel Valley area in general) is that you both avoid using the 5 freeway for your respective commutes. If you live in the south LA area, you'll be dealing with that disastrous freeway; seriously, it's never devoid of traffic and horrific drivers.
  3. Sung88, I couldn't help but notice that you're from Ohio and currently living in S. Korea. I don't know how the cost of living is in SK, but Los Angeles is surely more expensive than Ohio (I have a handful of transplant friends who live in the LA proper area and they lament about it all the time). If you and your husband both plan on riding out grad school simultaneously, then I imagine there won't be a lot of income coming into the household in the short-term future. Unless you're both sitting on a ton of savings, bankrolled or receiving extensive scholarships (especially for SC), then I would sincerely suggest living away from the downtown/metropolitan LA area. Finding a modest apartment in the suburbs of the San Gabriel Valley/Pomona area would be wise since the cost of living would be considerably cheaper and your husband can take the metro-rail directly to USC (while you'd be a quick 20 minute drive to CSUF if you choose the Pomona area). Sure, it's not glitzy with the hustle and bustle of the city, but trust me when I say that you don't want to live in the surrounding area of USC. Just google crime reports around that area and you'll see why (mind you, I'm a die-hard Trojan fan until the day I die). Hang tough, it'll only be a few years until you have your CCCs and he passes the bar. After that, you can afford your upper middle-class downtown apartment And yes, I agree with what others have said; choosing a school that has an emphasis on your desired focus is more important than choosing one that is conveniently located. Good luck with your decision and congrats!
  4. My last school finally responded to me earlier today. Although it was a rejection, I breathed a sigh of relief because this enables me to finally make my decision. I'm going to stay with my current post-bacc program, Cal State Los Angeles! Relieved. My only bittersweet reservation lies with my disappoint/anger for my friends who haven't heard such good news. I wish them and everyone else who is still waiting, the best. Please hang in there and know that there is more than one path to your goal and that path is rarely clear. If there's one thing I can share, it's a quotation that my cousin/mentor shared with me when he was riding with Lance Armstrong a few years back: "Never straight, always forward." Just keep pushing forward.
  5. Just got my official CSU Fullerton rejection via email. Wasn't surprised due to what I've been hearing through the grapevine!
  6. I couldn't agree more. There has to be some sort of fiscally responsible solution to the impacted mess we have here in California.
  7. I heard that Fullerton has notified some of their own via phone already. Can anyone confirm/deny this?
  8. CSULA's letters are being deployed and I'm guessing they're being done in waves... Hang in there friends!
  9. Received some good news from my target school, CSU Los Angeles.. Although I'm waiting on one more school (and a waitlist), I feel relieved because this was my goal from the very beginning.. So grateful for the opportunity and I'm really quite overwhelmed! Wishing nothing but the best for everyone out there.. Just remember, our goals are within eyeshot but the paths leading there are never straight..
  10. It's always better to be over-dressed, than under. With that being said, it's Dr. ______ always, always always, for me at least! I'd rather be over-respectful, than under. The way I see it is, they've earned their titles and the ensuing respect that comes with it. That's just my $.02 I also slightly bow/nod my head when I shake hands... Why? I have no idea LOL.
  11. Definitely on my list of things to get when I become a professional.. I don't think that's feasible on a grad school budget (especially since I'll be leaving my full-time job soon), but it will definitely be worth the wait!
  12. I'm still holding hope for a Fullerton answer this week! Looking at past decisions on the results page doesn't bode well for the timeliness of their responses. There were a handful of irate applicants who didn't get notified until well after the April 15th commitment deadline... As for LA, we're beginning our finals week today, so I suppose they will be coming to a decision sometime next week during the Spring break. Or maybe the week after that? Anyway, back to these rehab audio, neuro and adv lang development notes/lectures!
  13. Application materials deadlines for the following Fall admission season are typically posted around October/November. Go to the ASHA website and look for ASHA certified schools in CA, then go to each school's respective website to see if they have rolling/late/Spring admissions. From there you'll be able to independently gauge your options.
  14. I applied to CSULA's post-bacc program 2 years ago (around Feb/Mar) and I didn't hear back from them until May (5/9/11) via email. Best of luck!
  15. That's why I locked down my FB, Twitter and Instagram accounts during this whole process. Although nothing really reflects negatively on me, my perspective may not be the same as someone else's. Paranoid Android.
  16. I'm sure with your unique situation that you'll be fine. What program wouldn't love to have a masters student with a PhD?? My only concern if your stated application season of Spring 2014 (in your profile). You'll be hard-pressed to find many programs that offer Spring admissions now. From my personal inquiries, a lot of schools are opting to limit admissions exclusively to the Fall quarter/semester. Why? It's likely due to economics and other gobbledygook. The one Spring admit that I did find (during my limited research) was St. John's University in NY. I know it's not SD, but if time is a deciding factor and you are unable to wait until the Fall, I'd look into that and other potential Spring programs. Best of luck!
  17. Got the SDSU email about an hour ago too.. Surprisingly waitlisted since I considered this my "reach" school.. Grateful to be considered and yeah, 550 applicants is a bit ridiculous.. We'll see what unfolds over the next month or so.. As for Fullerton, still no word yet.. Hopefully some concrete good news for all of us soon!! SpeechBanana, glad you enjoyed the faculty as CSULA! I love them too and it's been a pleasure being a post-bacc student there for the past two academic years.. I ultimately hope to stay there solely because I've grown to love the professors.. If you get in and accept, you will not be disappointed!
  18. Congrats to those who are accepted!! Now the hard part; trying not to freak out while waiting at work...
  19. Thank you! Love the meme btw HAHAHA
  20. You mean starting an hour ago!
  21. I saw that too!!! WTHeck?? Maybe they're in a different time zone and the website is automatically withholding the statuses until the 15th? I hope no one is bamboozling us..
  22. Houston's letter came in today.. I got in! Depending on how my CA schools pan out, I may be moving in-land in the Fall!
  23. Celebrating this pie day with my first acceptance to the University of Houston! Still not sure if I'm going to accept or deny it since it all depends on my home-state results but I'm just happy to know that I'm going somewhere this Fall
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