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Everything posted by Lizalicious

  1. Hi Camille, Congrats about USC, regardless of your concern over the pricetag. I myself am going through a sort of crisis about how many loans I am going to graduate with, and crossing my fingers for the scholarships I applied to. Did you get any word from any of their scholarships? If you haven't, it very well could happen any time between now and the beginning of classes. I guess they have to see how many people are accepting their seats first, before they disburse the goodies. I don't know much about Cal State MSWs, as I only applied to USC, but I do know that USC has a lot more seats to offer than any Cal State, so it is technically more competitive to get into a state school. I have also heard many good things about CSULB's MSW program. I work with a social worker that graduated from USC and she told me to really consider CSULB because I would be saving a tremendous amount of money and still have a very good education. I did consider, but I grew up around USC and its reputation, so naturally, it is the school for me. I might bite myself later when I start paying off loans, but I cannot regret something that I dreamed of doing. I don't know if I answered anything for you, but I just wanted to say hi and a little bit of what I know. Have patience and time will go by faster =] Good luck!
  2. I got notice of my acceptance to USC on March 21
  3. I got into USC today! =D (email)
  4. Mine also just says "submitted". And under that, it says "Our office is reporting status for the 2013 cycle"... You guys probably know more about their process than me though, beause I've never called. What I know for sure is that the day they send out a decision through the mail, they also send an email. So I've moved from obsessively checking my mailbox to my inbox. I wouldn't know what to ask if I called...
  5. Same here, I have my toes crossed. It's the only school I applied to, so you can see why I am even more anxious lol. We just have to wait =/
  6. I totally feel you, it's stressing me out more with every day that passes. We have to have confidence and force ourselves to be patient.
  7. I just heard that that could be a possibility and wanted to believe it because I'm an S and it's my "dream" school. I know of a J that got in already though, and since you're a G, I suppose that's probably not the method they're taking. I also know of another person that was rejected, so I have no idea what route they're taking. I turned in my app on Jan 12, and my last recommender submitted on Jan 15. That was pretty close to the deadline, so maybe it's literally first come, first served?
  8. If you don't mind me asking, what letter does your last name start with? I heard they are doing it in alphabetical order and I'm really anxious about not having heard back yet.
  9. Congrats about USC! I'm assuming that they emailed you because it's the virtual campus you applied to. Unfotunately, I'm still stuck hunting down my mailman everyday, with no word on any medium yet. *Fingers crossed*
  10. Thanks for the replies! I am waiting nervously with you all. Does anyone know if USC emails people telling them that a decision has been sent in the mail? Checking for an email before waiting to get home to my mailbox every night would save me some wrinkles. Lol.
  11. Hello everyone. First timer here. I applied to USC's MSW program, and only there, so I'm pretty anxious. I've been told by relevant people that my chances are good, but I still can't help feeling nervous. I applied by the January 15 deadline so I'm checking my mailbox pretty anxiously by now. I think it's crazy that they only alert by postal mail, since I've gotten plenty of things lost in the mail. Like if I need another reason to be anxious, right? Right now, what I'd really like to know is: When is the earliest that they start sending out letters? I know they say 2-4 months after submission, but must there be no early birds?
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