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Posts posted by ImaGirl

  1. yeah i figured that writing this post would bring some derision, but if there's anyone on here with any helpful info i figured it was worth it.


    obviously i don't know how to totally express what i'm looking for since i don't know whether/where it exists.  and if i knew how to express what i was looking for i wouldn't be posting here (except maybe to say-- hey! i found it!).


    i'm a fan of derrick jensen's writing, if that helps, but he isn't concerned with art at all.  i don't like ayn rand so that won't help either (she wrote art theory???? ugh).  i don't care about reading about anti- post-modernism so forget donald judd.


    see, the fact that "sincerity, empathy, emotion, compassion, and honesty in art" is automatically equated by some people to Bob Ross and "warm and fuzzy" is problematic to me.  if someone can read A Language Older Than Words (derrick jensen) without crying, precisely because of those "warm and fuzzy" things he indulges in like honesty and compassion (weaving in memories of being raped nightly by his father with the most amazing and perceptive insights into our culture), then that person is so immersed in cynical narcissism i don't know what would reach them and i don't care to find out. 

    These things you are looking for are also including within "post-modern" art theory. I think you are just misunderstanding what this even means. I would say that the majority of post-modern artists have elements of "sincerity, emotion......etc" in their work, so I am still completely confused about what you are looking for.  You don't want "anti post-modernism", you just want "post-post(post-post-post-post) modernism"  What did you even mean by that?  That title in itself sounds a bit cynical if you ask me.  

  2. post-post-modernist?   oh gosh please don't tell me this is a buzz word lately.  

    well, definitions aside, are you just basically looking for contemporary art writers who leave you with a warm fuzzy feeling inside?  

    I can't think of many off the top of my head, but if you haven't already then u should read Homi K Bhaba, the Location of Culture.  
    If that is too heavy, then maybe see if Bob Ross wrote anything about happy tree, clouds etc. 
     Also, going back into the 20th c. I know Donald Judd was not a fan of post-modernism, and if you can stomach it, try reading Ayn Rand's art theory.   I'd love to have those 4 people at a party, give them a bunch of whiskey and see what happens.

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