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Everything posted by jaivirdi

  1. jaivirdi


    Hello everyone, My sister---who is at school now---just received her official SSHRC letter for her MA in the mail today. Just letting the Toronto students know.
  2. jaivirdi


    Oh wow. Thanks for all the support everyone---and good luck too! SGS at UofT said that all depts should have results by tomorrow. I still don't think it's real until the letters from SSHRC come in.
  3. jaivirdi


    My graduate administrator emailed me.
  4. jaivirdi


    University of Toronto results are out! SGS passed on the list to the departments! I got a CGS!!! for 36 months! AND I don't even know what that is! (first time appplicant) I'm in shock! Off to celebrate now! Good luck to everyone else and thanks for this forum it kept me sane!
  5. jaivirdi


    WHY WON'T UOFT TELL US?? I'm going crazy already, hitting the refresh button every 30 minutes in the hope someone else from UofT will get results. My dept says nothing yet...ugh...
  6. jaivirdi


    Aww...thanks. I also go to UofT and my dept. administrator said SGS sent a memo saying the results would be sent to the departments from "May 11 to May 15." She also said never before has SSHRC sent the results to the departments before sending them to the students. I assume never before SSHRC has been this late either.
  7. jaivirdi


    So everyone so far who has received news of their SSHRC acceptance has heard from either their department or FGS, am I correct? So for us doctorates who aren't around campus, this means an even longer wait? Or else resort to email harrassment?
  8. jaivirdi


  9. jaivirdi


    this is my first time applying for sshrc. Could someone please explain what "a-list" group means? Many thanks!
  10. jaivirdi


    Hurrah! My sister got the Masters SSHRC as well--no official notice though. Her advisor told her.
  11. jaivirdi


    What do you mean when you say "Results are out!" Did you get a letter, find out from your department or faculty of graduate studies? And Congrats!
  12. jaivirdi


    I completely agree! I received all of my application "stage" processes through email (department, faculty of graduate studies, sshrc), so why can't sshrc just send out an email as well? Someone told me its a privacy concern. But I guess you can rebutt that statement and say a passworded application is private as well. I mean what happens---gforbid--that my results get "lost in the mail?" And congrats to the MAs who win! I hope my sister does too!
  13. jaivirdi


    I HATE this waiting game. I just found out from my Graduate coordinator today that the delay in SSHRC results is not only frustrating for those of us who are anticipating the results---apparently my department relies on the results to determine our travel grants and our taships/instructorships/raships. With the delay on SSHRC's part, this means there's a delay in my department's part. I'm leaving for a 4 week research trip next month and have no idea if I will get a travel grant, have no clue if I'll have a job in September. Aarrgh. And what is with SSHRC's fondness with Canada Post? Why can't we (1) check the status online a la OGS or (2) have the results sent by mail?
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