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    2013 Fall
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    Speech Pathology

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  1. You're welcome! Hopefully it helps some others out too! I'm actually in 5: A&P of the Speech Mechanism, Phonetics, Acoustics, Intro to Audiology, and Speech Science.
  2. Figured I'd post this for everyone since I know many of you are taking courses through USU this summer and I just got approval for my discount: http://online.usu.edu/discount It allows you to get a discount on one course for half off tuition if it's your first semester at USU...only caveat is your tuition needs to be paid by May 23rd. It's worth it to get $400+ back into your bank account! Hope this helps some of you out!
  3. I'm taking classes at USU this summer as well as part of the 5 pre-reqs I need to begin my program this fall...from what I was told, while most universities prefer the program in which your taking the classes/pre-reqs be ASHA accredited, they don't necessarily have to be. The classes offered online are taught by the same professors on campus I believe, so I don't think you have anything to worry about honestly, but I would check with your program just in case. Additionally, I'm assuming the classes you're taking are undergraduate level and not graduate...their graduate program isn't offered online I don't think which would explain the lack of EdFind saying anything about distance education for their masters program.
  4. I thought I'd bump this thread back up after visiting NU last week. A couple things I thought might be helpful for those of you who haven't heard back yet: Don't lose hope! From the grad student I met with, I found out they definitely ended up with 60+ students starting last fall. They're doing the acceptances in waves I guess so that it doesn't happen again, hence the early deadline compared to the other programs in Boston. Usually it's closer to 35-40 and they're going for that range this year. Also, if any of you are like me and need the 25 observation hours you have a couple options. You could do them on your own (preferred, the clinic had a form you have filled out by the SLP you shadow) or if you're in the Boston area prior to September you can do them in the clinic at NU since it's open all summer. From what I was told, if you do it in NU's clinic you most likely will have to do write-ups on what you observed so it entails a bit more work. Additionally, you could also get like 5 hours if you don't need many from a class that we all have to take in the fall. After being waitlisted at Emerson it looks like I will be a "Double Husky". Good luck to all of you who haven't heard anything yet!
  5. Has anyone else out there not heard from Emerson yet? Last I heard on Thursday they were still reviewing applications. I have nothing on my portal and have to give NU a response by the 1st, but as Emerson is my top choice I'm hesitant to at this point in time. I know it's highly unlikely I've been accepted at this point since they apparently have had an open house already, but wasn't sure if anyone out there is still awaiting word. I know they received my application pretty late due to CSDCAS so I wasn't sure if this is also possibly a cause for the delay...
  6. No financial info or open house info! I called financial aid the other day and they said it should come in the next week or two, but luckily for me I definitely have a scholarship coming my way for 25% off the tuition since I was an undergrad there and they have their "Double Husky" program for students who return to NU for their masters programs. Makes swallowing NU's tuition price tag a bit easier! As for an open house, I'm meeting with Dr. O'Neill on Friday, I can ask her since I was wondering myself. I'm hoping they have one planned...I'm guessing it's later though since they're still accepting people at this time...
  7. I believe OSU might offer one online this summer through their 2013 Summer Institute...http://sphs.osu.edu/events/2013-summer-institute-speech-and-hearing-science-distance-learning-courses It looks like their Speech and Hearing 3340D – Bio-Acoustics for Speech and Hearing Science might do that, but I'm not sure. I found the course descriptions for the courses offered here: https://courses.osu.edu/psp/hcosuct/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/COMMUNITY_ACCESS.OSR_CAT_SRCH.GBL%22 I'm working 30 hours a week so I have time in the evenings to do classwork. Plus I have a couple hours in the morning/afternoon during my commute to do readings for class as well and have my weekends free. I have a background in linguistics, so I don't think the phonetics will be too difficult for me, but so far my most difficult obstacle has been finding somewhere that offers Intro to Speech and Hearing Science online. While I've found classes that focus on Speech Science and ones that focus on Hearing Science, I haven't found ones that focus on both (except for ENMU which I'm waiting to hear back from if I can take the class through their Distance Ed option).
  8. Thank you for the warning! I actually just got through emailing my adviser about the courses at USU...turns out I also need a fourth course (Phonetics) that I thought would be covered by a linguistics course I took at NU as an undergrad. This is shaping up to be a full courseload this summer, eek! So, it looks like the USU courses run all summer (May-August). For those with experience taking these online courses, will taking 4 all at once be too much to handle? I have a feeling May and June will be miserable since I'd still be working at the special ed program I work for 30 hours a week in additoin to taking these classes online, but I have July and August off. I know in the end the work will be worth it, but will I be giving myself too much to do at once? I really really want to start a program this fall and don't want to lose this opportunity at the last moment due to pre-reqs not being completed.
  9. Thank you everyone who has given me input so far! It looks like USU will be my best option as Longwood has now been ruled out. I ended up getting Emerson's site to work, and unfortunately since the special education program I work for doesn't end til the end of June online classes will only work for getting them all done in time, unless I choose to do Emerson's second summer session Intro to Audiology class, which sounds more tempting since doing all 3 online at the same time might be a little too much work for me. Since USU has a Speech Science class and not Speech and Hearing Science class, I'm assuming they'd count as the same?
  10. Do you know if Longwood is strict about having the pre-reqs for their online courses? The three I need all have pre-reqs that I don't have...
  11. Hi Everyone, In order for me to start my SLP program this fall I need the following pre-requisites: Intro to Audiology Intro to Speech and Hearing Science Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing Mechanisms While Northeastern offers Intro to Audiology online this summer, they won't be offering the other two and I'd preferably like to take all three through the same program to make it easier on myself with funding it. I've tried researching some online programs, but am having some trouble. If you know of any programs that would allow me to do this, could you link them to me? I also tried researching programs near me for their summer programs to do in person, but B.U.'s program this summer is quite expensive and I haven't been able to access Emerson's site for some reason. Anyone know off the top of their head what Emerson is offering this summer? Thanks in advance for any help that you all can offer!
  12. Congrats on your acceptance to Emerson! I'm hoping one's coming my way (it's my top choice), but I'm not holding out hope on it and I'm just grateful to get the once acceptance at this point. One of my linguistics professors was a full-time professor at Brandeis (Dr. Henrietta Hung) and taught phonology at NU since the program didn't have a professor suitable to teach the course at the time. She was wonderful and I've heard wonderful things about Brandeis's program!
  13. I just received my letter in the mail today. My decision was made/sent out on Monday and my deadline is April 1st, so I think the decision deadline depends on the date you were accepted! Anyone know if there's an open house or anything for accepted students?
  14. I haven't heard back either and was originally told decisions were sent out at the beginning of last week. I just gave graduate admissions a call and I guess there was a delay in getting decisions out, and so we should have them by the middle of next week now :-/ The nice woman I chatted with said they were being sent out today or tomorrow by mail.
  15. When I called last week they said they'd be making decisions through April 15th. Don't lose hope yet! Plus it looks like NU sends out a lot of offers (134 last year) according to ASHA's EdFind and if the results search is any indication they haven't sent many out yet!
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