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Posts posted by kdav

  1. I don't believe so, I think you just have to accept the offer in Carleton Central. Usually places make it pretty clear if they need money from you haha, and I haven't seen any indication. Undergrads don't have to, so I don't expect we'd have to...!

  2. Pros:

    Program is a perfect fit for what I want to study

    Student/alumni community

    Networking opportunities

    Conferences and talks offered


    Prestige of the program



    Funding - or total lack thereof (for me...!)


    I'm a little nervous about going back to school full-time after having been in the workforce for three years, but I'm also really looking forward to it! Hope that helps!

  3. Nice, congrats @rmrda!


    @iamnicole, hopefully you find out soon and will be joining us, as well!


    @Blake091, sorry to hear you're most likely not going to be in Ottawa in the fall, but based on the other thread, it seems like UofC would be great fit for you. Funding makes a huge difference, too!

  4. Having lived a number of years in both Calgary and Ottawa (and being from neither town), I have to say that city-wise alone, I much prefer Ottawa.


    NPSIA's reputation precedes it, and from a number of students in the program, it appears that there are plenty of conference and other opportunitites there.


    That being said, U of C is no slouch program-wise, and $18k is nothing to sneeze at... If you're thinking you'd like to go more the academic route anyways, I'd say take the money. For someone going into strategic studies or international affairs, a bit of travel experience is always an asset, no? Gotta get out of your comfort zone!


    I'd love to put a face to the name and start at NPSIA with you and the other familiar names on the board in September, but I'd be tempted to say that UofC is the better fit based on the information you provided...

  5. Congrats on the letter and funding! Not sure what the scholarship average is.


    No TAing for me - unfortunately in business (my field pre-NPSIA), undergrads TA the undergrads and PhDs TA the masters students. TA opportunities will vary depending on what your background is, as they have to need TAs in that department for it to work. I don't know how big RAing is in the field... They weren't mentioned on the website.


    Although I'm not much more use than that for the program until all of us get more details, I have a fair bit of experience in Ottawa, so if anyone has questions, feel free to let get in touch and I'll try to answer as best I can! :)

  6. Thanks, Blake! Super curious. It seems like all of us are in different ones so far, so it's interesting getting a sense of the new world order, so to speak haha.


    @rmrda - Mine did too... Probably still does... Hahaha, whatever, all of us are going through the same thing! Best wishes for speedy results. :)

  7. Another update for you guys in the line of statuses to expect... At some point between leaving work and getting home, my application status changed to "Review in progress by Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs". I'm hoping that since I got allocated a cluster today while it said "Review in progress by department" that all the details are now ironed out, and the official offer will come out from the FGPA shortly!


    What a drawn out process... Looking forward to final results (...and really curious to know what the new clusters they came up with are...)!

  8. @Rumcajs, Perhaps I'm completely naive, I actually didn't reach out to a single professor there if it makes you feel better. I gleaned all my information from various websites in determining fit and spoke with a past student after I'd applied. My first contact with the professors will be once I'm actually in!


    I didn't know that reaching out to POIs was a big thing until I started reading these boards, and am still not entirely sure that it's something a lot of people do at NPSIA - perhaps that's something the others can speak more towards!

  9. Maybe either the FGPA just decided to create their own new clusters this year haha. This is driving significant curiosity. Sounds like that could be a really interesting stream though, Blake091, even if we aren't sure what it is exactly haha!

  10. Since I check Carleton Central compulsively to see what the admission offer details are, I noticed another change that some of you may have, too!


    In the "Application Details" tab, I now have a specialization allocated (International Development Policy - ...not sure that that's a cluster. Did they take my top two and combine International Dimensions of Development and International Trade Policy?). It may be of interest if that's happened to any of the rest of you, too! :)


    Here's hoping the official offer details come out soon haha... I want to know what my standard of living is going to be for the next year!

  11. There's always a number of different study spaces available on campus, and how much time is spent there tends to vary by student, I find. Some love to do all their work on campus, and others prefer working from home or coffee shops where possible. It's often easier to facilitate group meetings on campus. Departments usually have their own graduate study space available too, which I believe NPSIA does in the beautiful new River building.


    The library is still under construction right now, but current estimates have it done around August 2013, and it's been extensively renovated to provide about double the prior study area and natural light (the whole front is all glass). I was on campus earlier this week to participate in an accounting panel for the business school actually, and it's quite beautiful!

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