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Everything posted by N.Marie

  1. This wait is brutal! Fingers crossed for tonight :/
  2. I also emaile her and she said we would know by the end of the week (Friday) via email. Best of luck everyone!
  3. No :/ still nothing here.
  4. Ya, it's my first choice! I'm so impatient!
  5. It seems like they are trying to do everything via email but we will see! This wait has been painful!
  6. Anyone else still anxious to hear back from UW this week? I'm hoping they don't make us wait until the last day, at the last minute again. :/
  7. This is painful! I certainly hope this won't be an 11:59 type of deal.
  8. Such a stressful day and I'm sure everyone is just counting the minutes! So frustrating!
  9. Still no word from UW yet! :/ I hope they don't make us wait another day!
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