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    PhD Family Rel/Human Dev

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Neatgirl


    I'm so glad that your long wait is finally over phreeduh and congrats on your success!
  2. Neatgirl


    Hi dood, I am in that boat (awarded a CGS with no peer-reviewed publications). If you take a look at the SSHRC/Vanier 2009 Results thread and you'll be able to get some more information about this for others too.
  3. Neatgirl


    Oh no, seriously! Where do you live? I was hopeful that since someone in the states got theirs that lots of others in Canada did too! Time to hunt down your mail carrier!!!
  4. Neatgirl


    I'm pretty sure that you're fine to accept the OGS and then let them know later if you end up getting a SSHRC. SSHRC doesn't care if you have an OGS (they don't place limits on other funding the way OGS does, they would actually allow it), so accepting won't affect your SSHRC chances. Having a SSHRC is only a problem from the OGS side because they won't let you hold both. I'll bet that you're told to go ahead and accept the OGS and then see what happens. Good luck!
  5. Neatgirl


    Also a good suggestion Cree8tiveGyal, at this point I'm just thankful that the LOOOOONG wait is over for me. I'm hoping that everyone else's long wait is over very soon.
  6. Neatgirl


    Could be ogopogo, that's a better idea than I could come up with anyways! As for your letter, hang in there and try to enjoy the weekend!
  7. Neatgirl


    Congrats MissTheory! That does seem strange that Justsomerandominfo's gf didn't get a CGS with her score - really doesn't make any sense (not that I'm too surprised that something else about this whole process doesn't make sense though)!!! I agree with you that congrats are in order for either award, it's still a real accomplishment!
  8. Neatgirl


    Hi banana45 - my letter says to email Fellowships@sshrc-crsh.gc.ca of your acceptance within 4 weeks of the date on the Notice of Award (which is dated May 20, 2009). Hope this helps and congrats!
  9. Neatgirl


    Got my letter today in Guelph (ON) - I won a CGS with a score of 21. Hope this info helps! Good luck to everyone still waiting!
  10. Neatgirl


    Congrats Sarah!
  11. Neatgirl


    970 does seem low...maybe they took the money from the regular SSHRC awards pot to fund the 55 Vanier SSHRCs that were given out??? Yes, I know I'm being cynical but it does make me wonder! After all, they have really used the Vanier awards to generate lots of publicity!
  12. Neatgirl


    No letters in Guelph (just west of Toronto) either...maybe tomorrow???
  13. Neatgirl


    Congrats ogopogo! Hopefully the letters will arrive swiftly through Canada Post for everyone still waiting!
  14. Neatgirl


    Now that's just cruel...they really should tell you to save you the stress. I'm hoping the mail will move swiftly for everyone still waiting and wish you luck as you await the results!
  15. Neatgirl


    I agree with you ogopogo. I don't understand why they don't have a secure website (like OGS does) where you can log on and check your results. They already have you log in to write the application, so what's the problem. Waiting for Canada Post is absolutely ridiculous and so problematic. I feel your pain and hope you hear soon!
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