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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall

brandnewtothis's Achievements


Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. I'm still completely torn... If they had a real placement list (including public and private sector jobs) I would be more at ease. Just a couple days away and undecided ARGH.
  2. Thank you for the replies everyone. I'm honestly really nervous about this choice. If I get funding at a PhD program I got into, I'll definitely take that. The thing is, the CIR I got is totally unfunded, which means I'm looking at $60,000 debt. For something that only gives me a chance at a good PhD and a really small chance at a job, that is insane, especially for just one year. Does anyone know what kind of job prospects you can get with CIR if let's say I had to work for a year in between applying and finishing the program? It seems like MAPSS would be more valuable for that since it's all methodology, so I'm not sure what kind of job you could really get with CIR. Does anyone have any advice or recommendations for that? There are four fields and I'm looking at 1. IR Theory and Security and 2. IPE.
  3. I hate sounding like a broken record, but did anyone hear back yet? Specifically, did anyone hear back from GW? When should I call? When should I give up?
  4. I'm so torn. It looks like I ultimately need new reccs, a new writing sample, and some actual "social science" training. I was advised to do something to improve my app and I realized working retail for a year won't do that. However, goint in unfunded would kill me, especially if it doesn't lead to anything. I'm torn
  5. I'm waitlisted for funding. I was told that there was a good chance I would get it. I hope I do...
  6. I didn't get a reply frkm GW. Kind of scared now.
  7. Oh God, 2 weeks AFTER today? I mean, wtf. Can't schools work together and signal each other once someone accepts/rejects?
  8. Still haven't heard back on funding... anyone hear of getting offers in the 15th?
  9. Unless I hear something in 40 hours it looks like I'm going nowhere fast.
  10. Wow. I'm so sorry to hear that. Why would someone even agree to write you a LOR if they're going to be unsupportive? How did you find out?
  11. It's almost April 15. I'm losing hope. I'm an "alternate" for GW and I still haven't heard anything. I'm staring down a very scary, dark rabbit hole. I'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
  12. Well my PhD cycle is over. I'm have no funded offers. I'm going a little crazy over what I should do. I've taken very few poli. sci. classes and didn't have any serious research papers (or really anything at all) to show for my writing sample. I think this was my biggest weakness. What should I do? Is going to Chicago's CIR unfunded actually worth it?
  13. I see. Did you choose another university over them, or did you do something else altogether?
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