Thanks for the posts. Definitely not selling myself short. I know I learned a great deal during my time in. I just felt that during the application process my case, or my overall package, was maybe not as focused or streamlined as some of my fellow applicants who knew Sophomore year of undergrad where they wanted to attend Grad School, and worked within their chosen field for a few years following graduation. Many people I spoke to knew exactly what they hoped to achieve upon completing their graduate degree or the type of role they saw themselves in. Again, very focused. I felt my SOPs and overall package could be summed up in a few sentences....I spent 8 years in the military helping people and feeling like I was making a difference. Now I am pursuing an MPA/MPP and hope to once again feel that same sense of accomplishment.
I realize that Vets have a lot to offer but I sometimes feel we suffer from a lack of exposure to the real (civilian) world and I felt this was reflected in my package.