Successful/unsuccessful: Successful
MA/PhD (if PhD, specify SSHRC/SSHRC CGS/Vanier): PhD SSHRC
# of years into program: 2
MA Major Awards & Value: two small MA awards of about $3,000 each (from 1995/96 and 1996/97)
PhD Major Awards & Value: standard entry funding package
Undergraduate GPA: too much time spent in the campus pub. Not great except in final undergrad year: about 3.8
Graduate GPA: 4.0 at PhD level (so far)
Research contributions/Publications so far: 3 peer reveiwed pubs, one in very high impact journal, the others about average for my discipline; 4 non-peer reviewed pubs/presentations
Strengths of application: I think the proposal was pretty good. Also, my references are well-known in the field. Grades from my first year of PhD program were strong (spent less time in the campus pub, more time taking school seriously!)
Weaknesses of application: Horrible undergrad marks except for 4th year
Level/Form of Departmental Support (i.e. SSHRC workshops): Advisor reviewed my proposal and gave feedback; had access to the proposals of a few successful SSHRC applicants from previous years
University at the time of application: U of T
University where you will take up the award: same