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Everything posted by banana45

  1. banana45


    Thanks Sarah7! I've sent off the email... I also came across an interesting bit of information. According to one of our awards officers at SGS, every year a few of the fellowship winners are upgraded to CGS SSHRCs. He couldn't tell me how this was decided, only that studnets always welcome more money. Has anyone else heard about this?
  2. banana45


    Thanks so much!!
  3. banana45


    I'm hoping someone on here can help me out. I was told by my department that I was successful in getting the sshrc fellowship. But I am out of the province doing fieldwork for the next two months, so I will not get my letter for a long time. I'm wondering if anyone who has a letter can tell me if there is anything I'm supposed to do (i.e. how do I confirm my acceptance of the award?). I'm assuming the timeframe to accept is only a few weeks. Could anyone help me out? Thanks!
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