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Everything posted by katherinekats

  1. Join me at HILT: Humanities Intensive Learning & Teaching! https://t.co/9vA72wtNnY #hilt2014 | Powered by #RegOnline
  2. I hope you checked with the department for confirmation. My online app for one schools says that I've been admitted to the PhD program with full funding, however an email from the department informed me that I have been admitted to their MA program with no funding. I confirmed with the DGS who informed me, with deepest apologies for the mixup, that I am in fact only admitted to the MA program.
  3. I'm attending but not presenting. I'm up for a grad cafe meet-up. Feel free to pm me. Bfat--which panel are you chairing? Will anyone else be going to Thursday night's grad student event?
  4. Well post here if/when you hear anything and I'll do the same. Maybe if we try tag teaming the department, one of us will wriggle an actual decsion out of them.
  5. About a week and a half ago, I got a two line email with an attachment for directions/instructions for visiting day--nothing else. Three days ago, I finally received an official admissions decisions. I was accepted but was told that decisions re funding wouldn't be made for a few more weeks, and that they'd be in touch with more info. Are they planning to wait until after 4/15 to give me funding info? Why would I ever commit without that info ahead of time?
  6. I'm in the same boat as you--waiting on UVA and UMD. I'm pretty sure I'm going to Tufts, but it's irritating as hell not knowing what UVA is thinking. I keep telling myself that I'm just waiting for inevitable rejection, but since I know that both UVA and UMD have already sent out rejections, a tiny voice in the back of my head tells me that maybe they haven't notified me for a reason; maybe I'm not rejected; maybe there is still some hope. It's absolutely maddening.
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