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    columbia lsma HR

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. I just checked my e-mail and lo and behold, the formal acceptance e-mail sent around 8:30 p.m. today. It's actually an e-mail informing you a decision has been made and to check your online account. The account then has a formal acceptance letter and a link to a form that allows you to accept/reject the offer. Cheers, all!
  2. Awesome! Congrats all. I got my e-mail from Madeline too so now that it's in writing, it feels definite. She wrote that if I hadn't heard by next week I should contact her again. Whew!
  3. What a great idea. I'm going to do the same. I'm nervous again. I hope they didn't make a mistake.
  4. Thanks for the info. Rach. Hopefully by the end of this week, then. I was also told by someone in admissions, before I heard of my admittance over the phone, not to call back until Thursday (tomorrow) b/c of commencement. So, hopefully we'll hear back on Friday...
  5. Yes, please if anyone's gotten the letter - and someone did on the 8th - can they post what it said? Also, I'd like to tell people already I got in but don't want to say anything until I have that letter. I don't want to have a letter that says I didn't get in and have to tell people someone in admissions told me I did get in. UGH!!! I don't feel like it's final yet without that letter.
  6. Has anyone gotten the formal e-mail yet?
  7. Hey Lunasea, I went down the list of admission counselors in the directory and one of them transferred me to Madeline. I know it's frustrating. Keep trying. Ask them directly to see if you got in or not. Good luck and congrats to all
  8. I got in according to Madeline Rivera. Whew. Was like 90% sure I was rejected. Can breathe a little easier now but am going to wait for that e-mail before I tell anyone officially. Funny how we all might be classmates.
  9. UGHHH! I got her voicemail too but thanks for the info. I'm dying here.
  10. Everytime I call I get a voicemail. I'm using the number on the website. I also sent an e-mail and got no response. What's the number you called Rach?
  11. It's almost the end of the day. I called - some lady who didn't know much about admissions said maybe it needed the dean's signature. She also said commencement activities are going on next week so it's busy. She gave me an e-mail address of someone who would know more. I e-mailed no response yet.
  12. everyone's out to lunch i think. i'll try to call later, egh. when did people turn their app in, btw? just wondering if it makes a difference on when we hear back. i turned my in on april 1st like at 11:50 p.m. ha.
  13. seriously...ugh. so did admission say the decision would be sent for sure by e-mail first? are we getting a formal letter too? cuz if they're only mailing out by snail mail today, it might not get to us until next week...
  14. and just because I'm so distracted and bored right now waiting, Balicki also said decisions were not rolling. They would all be evaluated after everything was submitted. I'm thinking, though, that if they extended the application deadline to April, they might not have been getting enough applicants. Hopefully this means we have a higher chance of getting in...
  15. yeah, I spoke with Balicki who provided the information. I hope they send them out soon. Suspense is killing me. Please post as soon as you've heard something and I'll do likewise! good luck, all!
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