Quick question to accepted Fulbrighters: in your snail mail letter from the Fulbright Scholarship Board, did you receive any other materials besides the letter congratulating you? I ask because mine was completely ripped open when I received it, so I want to be sure I got everything I was supposed to...
Hi all, this isn't super relevant to you guys because there seems to be no Laos Fulbrigthers on the message board, but hopefully it'll bring hope to some alternates out there! I was selected as an alternate ETA to Laos and was bumped to accepted earlier this week because the program received more funding. So it does happen! Good luck to everyone still waiting!
Hello all, longtime lurker here. Just wanted to let you all (and future applicants) know that Laos ETAs heard of their application status around 11 am EST today. I was selected as an alternate. Congrats and good luck to all!