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About NCAR823

  • Birthday 08/23/1986

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Boston, MA
  • Interests
    cognition, language, reading, listening comprehension,
  • Application Season
    Spring 2020
  • Program
    cognitive sciences, phd

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  1. Would anyone who applied to Tufts PhD in Education/Child Development/Psychology be willing to share stats? I am in a Masters program and am curious what will be needed for PhD admission. Thanks!
  2. Hey charleswu.01& vygotsky_circle, I am also interested in the relationship between language and cognition. I am currently in a Master's program with Mass General Hospitals health professions institute and am brainstorming thesis topics and preparing my transition into PhD. I would love to hear about your experiences and goals! My background is in education and now SLP, but my main interests are in research between literacy, language comprehension, cognition, and development. Any particular insights you could provide as I build my experience would be great!
  3. Wow- I had no idea. Obviously the title of the program alludes to the culture emphasis, but I wasn't aware that it was so strong. I am definitely looking for a program with literacy/comprehension/internal dialogue research... However, I'm not sure how hugely impressed I want to be by social justice. I guess it could be worth doing some reading and research to see if I can find a correlation between my interest and social equality... but probably don't need to revise my own direction based on one program... Just one less program to consider Thanks for the post! Let me know if you have any further input.
  4. Anyone applied/applying to UC Berkeley Language, Literacy, and Culture PhD program or the Human Development and Ed program? I am working on a Master's right now with Mass General Hospitals Health Profession Institute and have been working in research for two years now (3 different labs). It's becoming more clear that I will return to school for a PhD and am looking for any tips or insight (especially into the Berkeley program) anyone may have to share. Thanks!
  5. Hello everyone! I wanted to get some input if anyone has to share. I am beginning a graduate program this fall for Speech-Language Pathology with MGH Institute and am already looking into options for PhD programs in the Boston area. With some suggestions from peers in my research lab, the Harvard PhD in Education with the Human Development, Learning and Teaching concentration has struck my interest. Does anyone know more about the program or what to expect for applying to a PhD program? I realize I have about 2 years before this becomes a high priority, but I've never been one to not explore further ambitions Any thoughts or advice would be helpful!
  6. Here we go! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1436040839976290/
  7. There may be another way (this is the first group I've made since my undergrad), but each time I've tried I've had to invite members from my friends list. PM me and we can get it going. Thanks!
  8. Hi there! So I have attempted to make a group, but apparently you need to invite people to join to create it. PM me and we can get the group up and running!
  9. I am I'm Boston! Just got offered a research position with the LARRC lab and am already in love with the buildings that make up the MGH campus! Look forward to seeing you there!
  10. If you read the email of says to RSVP to the CSD department with a provided email. You should respond to the reminder you received or check the suggested email address. Hope this helps!
  11. I want in on this!!! I've also been looking into housing and if we get a group together it will obviously be cheaper, not to mention being in the same program will assure reinforcement of what we know! I have decided for MGH. My family is all there and nearby, and the program offers the research I am looking for and the strong, versatile education that makes getting a job in any setting possible. I'm a bit hesitant about the cost. I'm meeting with my dad for lunch while I'm on the east coast for the Info Sesh... We had agreed if I got accepted to a top 25 school, they'd be my funding . Now it comes down to whether I want it or want to do it Independently. I just can't imagine how steep the Interest will be.... 100k at 7-8% is 7-8k in interest alone each year... But it's worth it! I think I'm going to start a Facebook group for those going to the session? Ill post a link when I do
  12. That's the same question she's visiting. SDSU is her 1st choice.... is it worth taking the risk of declining an acceptance to find out whether the waitlist is moving? ... tricky, tricky
  13. Declined, Waitlisted, ... Acceptances? I have a friend who was waitlisted and accepted at other Universities wondering when admitted students have to accept or decline the offer. Any input will be helpful!
  14. Accepted at MGH, attending the information session. SOOOO Excited!!! Who else will be there? Everything about the program aligns with what I want to do. Look forward to actually seeing the hospital and meeting some faculty, grad students, and alumni (talk about excellent networks!)
  15. @caterpillar HUGE congratulations to your husband!!! 2nd time is sometimes the most stressful. I am very happy for you both
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