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    2013 Fall
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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Thank you Walrus, you enlightened my day. and Grats on your acceptance! Fingers crossed, wish me the best luck
  2. Hi everyone: I emailed the admission committee for status update after been put on to the waitlist one and half month ago. and I got the following reply: We haven’t made any offers to the Foundation Year wait list as of yet, as many accepted in our initial round of offers. This may change over the next few days. Please let me know if you are willing to stay on the wait list for a few more weeks if necessary. I was the 7th out of a total of 12 waitlists. At this point I am aware I should just give it up but still, I am not mentally ready... I still hope million to one chance that it will turn into a good news.. Anyone had been to such a desperate situation and eventually got accepted? THanks a lot!
  3. 2014 applicant. same program same situation right now. the agony is starting to take over all my attention. I wish I am in the same shoe as op and I wish my reply would bring me the rabbit foot.!
  4. Thanks Macchiato. And congrats on your enrolment to UW! Ya it doesnt guarantee you anything even if your are #1 on the list, and doesnt hurt to prepare for the worst. I will call to ask for decision if I still dont hear anything by this week. I m just afraid I ll burst into tears before hanging off the phone lol
  5. Hi: I hope you do not get bothered by this irritating waitlist post. This is the clue I have but I am completed blank as to what's my chances and odds. I hope anyone who had been to the similar situation/school/program can help me understand my situation better so I dont end up heartbroken in the end. I am a canadian applicant with no arch bg. So far I am also waitlisted at U toronto Landscape architecture and a straight forward rejection from UBC. My status for U toronto has been changed to Decision made a week ago but I have yet to hear anything from the school. Realistically thinking this should also be a rejection considering the competition there. So my best hope is from U calgary Architecture, #7 out of a total of 12 waitlists. Can anyone keep me optimistic or show me the face-palm truth? Thanks,
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